While we’re on a run here with My pontificating on subjects not related to game theory so much as they are to the New Books, Teachers & Institutions, I thought I would go ahead and include one more quick article on the subject while it’s fresh in mind.
A suppostion of Abrahamic religions as well as some of the more primitive that predate it, is the idea of salvation. And this idea of salvation is actually fueled by the supposition that you are going to fuck up in your life from time to time–or perhaps we are just inherently faulty–and the remedy to this fault is to have an exchange between ourselves and “God”. And primitive cultures apparently, had ideas that God could be appeased by the “sacrifice” of goods, like….animals and animal fodder that could be killed and/or left on an alter of some kind for God to enjoy.
And this idea of a transaction is something inherited by a Messiah–a Savior for mankind–who will sacrifice His own life in exchange for the end of countless transactions and negotiations with animal fodder and God as well as redeem mankind from it’s inherent debt to Him for having been inherently faulty. A condiition inherited by one mitochondrial Adam.
Now then, this idea is rather absurd when one scripts it out like this for examination. But the idea is inherently present, in myriad ways in our contemporary era.
For example one might hear a President say, “There is one thing we know for sure about war. War will require sacrifice.” Another example is a person or group of people demarcated as marks or pansies for a predator group. Those “marked” or designated as such are often regarded as “sacrifices” for those who prey upon them.
“If you want omelettes you’re going to have to break some eggs.” is a common quip. But what these incidents and quips have in common with each other is their roots. They are offshoots from Abrahamic thought which is a synthesis of Torah, Greek mythology, African tribalism and Buddism as well as it’s own original contributions.
And since we are raised from birth to accept this as a suppostion it sort of exists like a suppsotion in our contemporary world as well. It doesn’t have to anymore. We don’t need to teach the idea to one another from the ground up.
However, as a counterpoint, before we just offhandedly dismiss the concept altogether, I want to point out the positive side of being “saved” that has nothing to do with sacrificing your freshly squeezed orange juice and fine cigars and cognac to that Santeria sculpture sitting in the corner of your bedroom.
When Christians refer to getting saved they are probably talking about one of two types: The first is their soul and the second is their life from some impending disaster which could be anything from drugs to an ex-husband who turns violent with alcohol to financial or physical ruin.
The first idea is related to the animal sacrifices of long ago. And for Christians, Christ Jesus will make an intervention here and be The Sacrifice of barter in exchange for your soul. What a Guy. That way you don’t get yourself killed paying your own debts. Wow. But there is a double entendre here that the average person doesn’t catch and that is the idea of the scapegoat.
Allow Me to go on a tangent here: The scapegoat, like the animal sacrifice exchanged with God for your sins, is also from Africa. And it is also the result of clan hunting. It involves teamwork and premeditation. When clans hunt one of the ways to trap your prey is to pickle them in a false accuasation that they are not guilty of by swearing false testimony is truthful. This is likely where the formal commandment, “Thou shall not bear false witness.” comes from. It is to counter the practice of setting someone up to take a fall for something that they did not do.
Now then, when you hear some people–such as satanic cult members who are interspersed throughout society and Churches worldwide–they will naturally betray their satanism by the smarm “He died for our sins.” And that, if you are not listening clearly, is a barb at Christians who are not catching on due to it’s being a double-entendre. It could mean that Jesus died as an exchange in my place but it could also mean that He died because I set Him up to. I think Satanists, also known as “Israelites” are often making reference to the murder of Christ and Israelites have often and historically been accused of being responsible for it.
The second type of salvation is from the common follies that life forks us with from time to time. Drugs. Ex-husbands. Job losses. Loss of home. Mental health. Felons and felonies. Uneducated. Misfits. And so on. These people are routinely dropped off on our doorstep at all hours of the day and night by police or show up, hat in hand, asking for help.
(As another aside, let Me make it clear: The generosity of the Church was never to demarcate ourselves as “suckers” to take people in and nurse them back to health or a working state. In My absence this practice has become an undisciplined exercise in noblemen giving and enemies taking and will not continue in it’s present iteration if I have anything to do with it. We now find ourselves literally feeding our monsters and ungracious types whom we owe no meals or shelter to. The purpose of the Church and countless colleges and foundations and other charities was to create a noble society for all to enjoy. The congregating of these people underneath the wings of the Church, the Bride, was to prepare them for the arrival of Christ, the groom, who would take them on as His people–a society of noblemen and women who eschewed the tawdry and the vulgar for something that they knew quite within the reach of a thinking humankind; our own place and our own government, one that could be trusted as we knew the Leader to be none other than our spiritual Father. This agenda laid out in the Bible is not something that many took seriously but it is as clear as day now and a blind man can see it. The USA’s constitution is not observed, psychotronics is pervasive and so are it’s consequences of pilfering-stalking-unwanted touching-trafficking-illegal and covert communications during trials and negotiations, and just as Isaiah chapter 5 foretold “in the end what is right will be what is wrong” and so on you now see living proof as people get sick from COVID medications, police steal or pimp young girls, Presidents work for another country, FBI agents publish genocide paraphernalia at their own Americans… Is this your government?)
One thing I’ve noticed about references to God over the years but became increasingly curious about lately is the reference to God as “Padre” or “Father” or “Lord” or “God” and so on.
I haven’t looked it up but off the top of My head, I have to suspect an intentional confusion here. Now I thought it must be the translation of languages. And culture, right? Why would anyone suspect anything else? And who wonders about things like that anyway, a linguist?
But upon My maturation and rereading of some passages, I realized that “God” sounds an awful lot like a dude.
A very common dude with a big ego. Not hard to find.
And this “dude”, if we were to go back in time far enough, just might be the “owner” of human beings.
And if he were such, he just might be able to control when they eat, what they eat, how much they have and can have; where they go and when they can and for how long and countless other things from whether they can marry or even copulate.
Right? Wrong. Not God but for all practical purposes he could, theoretically be equated or confused with such an entity if one believed that such a thing exist in the sky somewhere, up there, watching us at all times.
And I have seen this confusion intentionally suggested by some pastors. Now I Am not naiive to the possible ways that this can be done in a constructive way to talk to someone indirectly in your audience on behalf of the police or a friend who doesn’t know how to approach you about some issue.
For example the pastor will read a scripture from the Bible where God says something and relates that to his own situation but the difference is that the “sign” from God for example, actually comes from the police–such as some phenomena that can be accomplished with psychotronics–and this is implied to be of God. Now, the churchgoers often know this and are not confused about where the phenomena comes from today as the pastor relates his own experience. But the idea is to move police from the place of Police in the mind of the listener and shift them into the place of God. This is not by accident.
In fact, there is a process of “waking people up” that some Europeans refer to when talking about Americans born and raised here in the USA. I, for one, Am regarded by them as someone fully “awake”. And the reason for this is because people who are born today do not know what happened back there just a few hundred years ago. Some of it is seeded in the Bible as metaphor and some of it is not. Some of it is simply missing from the history books and this is not by accident. The result is a person who takes the world that they are born into as The Real World while those who created the USA know it not to be. It is a slowly unfolding con and that is what it was intended to be from the very first day it was created by the satanic cult that founded it or infiltrated it shortly after it was minted.
It’s imporatant to remember that “God” is often interchangably used with “Father” or with “Lord” and other terms. This can be utilized as a way to slowly introduce the idea to a maturing adult that God is actually just your landlord. Or your boss. Or someone who is senior to you in authority. You need to do what he says if you want a successful life. It would also explain how people find themselves in a pickle with The Man Who Owns Everything Anyway and why they would find themselves looking for valuables–such as goats or chickens from the backyard of their own homes because this awful doctrine is just that fucking old–to offer to “God” to appease Him for the shovel or rake you lost while working out there in the fields several miles away from the farm.
So do we need to keep this idea around? No. We don’t. It’s over and it needs to be conscientiously vanquished as a concept. I have said before that Sovrumano is not a religion and it’s not. The NBTI I propose to formally replace the Bible and the central issues it programs into our minds and then the myriad permutations and expressions that can be inspired by it can be something else. It’s a blank sheet of paper. That is the exciting part. Let today’s scholars and poets have a crack at it.
And I should say it’s not always negative, these Abrahamic ideas. They aren’t. I have often marvelled at some of the “positive” aspects that Satanism (not necessarily Abrahamic) and Freemasonry has offered as I’ve looked over writings by Anton La Vey, Dr. Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, Madame Blatavsky or some other writers in their genre. I Am not intimately familiar with them. But I have looked some of them over a bit on a relatively superficial level to understand what they were in fact as well as to get an idea of their values, goals and so on. On the whole, I cannot recommend them as an exercise because their isn’t much substance to their work. Occasionally there is an exception.
What’s positive about “satanism”? Isn’t it all just perversion of what is good or forthright? No, it isn’t. But I cannot recommend it for that reason, either. What’s positive about it is that it has influenced our total sample space to be more liberal; to not freak out that Elvis is dancing on stage and gyrating his hips around. That it’s okay to be daring and to take chances. To not be a schmuck or get yourself hurt or conned. To be dogged or ardent in pursuit of a goal. To find and be able to utilize virtually anyone for your purposes whether that person be a pauper or a President of the United States. Ask your average entrepreneur what to do with a homeless man and he’ll say he has no idea. But ask a satanist and I guarantee you he’ll find something he can do with that gimp. I admire that.
Alright, enough on that stuff. I don’t want to go on a tangent. I don’t endorse occultism or satanism, obviously. I Am simply pointing out that after having had to spend so much time trying to decipher what was really “occult” such as books by Dion Fortune or some other psychic from “occultists”such as Dr. Israel Regardie or Aleister Crowley or Freemasons in general. Although they often dovetail at your local bookstore, they are not the same thing. Satanism of the Israelite kind, is a reference to the principles of tribalism–today referred to as racism–as the prinicipal means by which society defines it’s castes, (also an idea from Africa but likely Jungian) and those who go “on top”. And the seocnd principal difference is the idea of the putting of themselves in the place of God, literally.*
It is unfortunate but most of these ideas and agendas of theirs are born of a man and a tribe from long ago who was enamored with their appearance and resentful of their condition. He apparently swore and not only indoctrinated them into a cult at birth with his goals to “take what is below and put it on top and take what is on top and put it below” but created logistics that are difficult for them to escape. The agendas were not born of analysis or data science. There is no way to judge the qualifications of a tribe for leadership roles or alpha males or worth or trust or anything just by looking at them. Yet their looks are the prinicipal inspiration for their casting. The rest is the hacking of every conceivable thing you see and even cannot see around you to accomadate them–from the lyrics in your music to the history books you read to the judges decisions from the bench to the conduct of the federal government to Hollywood–all of it is hacked to fit themselves. Even our thoughts today are influenced remotely by strangers who wear no equipment and may literally reside in another country, watching you. This is billions of dollars worth of labor every year hacking psychologies, books, police services, women, options, sabotage of others, appropriation and so on.
This isn’t normal whatsoever yet we walk past it daily because this is the world we were born into. It’s only normalized by our naiive minds that imprint it as information if we are lucky enough to see it. The props used to stand a supremacist upright and over someone else make Me chuckle.
He is handsome, however. I’m sure he’ll get the casting.
In other words, it is important to remember that if we use the Bible to decide who gets salvation–and this is paramount to this article–you must understand that using the Old Testament–which is what traditional Askenazi Jews use, then you will find salvation by being White not by your conduct. The New Testament was added later as an adjunct to the Old Testament and although Jesus offers salvation to all people if you are just good enough He doesn’t mind your ethnicity so much, then you can have salvation through Him. But the Jews reject this adjunct and stay with the Old Testament which gives salvation to the “nation of Israel”. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, The purpose of the Bible is to inspire a race war of Askenazi Jews versus everyone else. That is literally in the Bible.
Now we may know why (Freemason?) linguists denoted different tribes or ethnicities as “races”. It’s another double-entendre, I believe. But mankind didn’t notice it. A race to what? Where? And why?
(When discussing occult practices, the means by which these things are accomplished is by deception, perfidy, lying, cheating, stealing, genocide, murder and gross violations of the law and prinicle. Some of which is such that it is unfit for Me to suggest examples for this aritcle for fear of it adulterating the piece. Any practice such as this is unfit for a society that values it’s nobility and ability to champion the higher values over lower; the neocortex over the hippocampus; the faith over the fear; the angel as guide not the animal and so on.)
It is for this reason that you have also have a confusion of terminology, I believe, that equates a God in heaven with a landlord on the ground. It is probably the reason that the cover of some Bibles have “God’s Word” written upon them or that the Bible is often referred to as “God’s Word” although a Jewish person or Israelite who reads the Old Testament will plainly tell you that the first five books of the Old Testament were authored by Abraham, not by God.
It was always up to you to figure it out when you were old enough that you had been had, just a little bit, by someone clever back there who wanted you to realize that it (or he) had been there all along, controlling your life, approving or disproving numerous things for you, albeit remotely and clandestinely. It was your local government and police, most likely. And whites, too.
With the Enlightenment here as well as the maturation of a mankind with it’s University degrees freely available over your smartphone at no charge comes the big responsibility to seize control of what has been educating us and make it teach us something better. A mature mankind and a brave mankind can allow data science and common sense to be our Leadership.
Today’s laws and statutes make no allowances for salvation by race. Pardons for felonies or crimes, forgiveness, grace in the form of food or shelter is commonly available to all people and for a while there the ability to climb the socio-economic scales. This is what mankind wants to know and have, obviously.
* I haven’t made a formal study of it as of yet but did recently think of yet another example of objectives pursued by Israelites that i do not believe to be necessary as well as to be the idea of an ancestor’s who thought this something to do out of spite for circumstances that they themselves lived within but no longer applies to their decendants. In fact, there can be a taunting of others who are supposed descendants of an ancestor’s enemies who have no idea why they are being taunted as if responsible for some injustice. Theoretically an entire race of people can be pursued on behalf of some gripe that is hundreds of years old that neither group of descendants from their respective polarity are responsible for.
Another gross example of this would be the demarcation of some as “free men” although today everyone is demarcated as such. However, that apparently is not what occultists want. They seem to have specific goals–very specific–about the way they want things. One of which is to remain demarcated and distinguished as a free man even if that means enslaving someone else. We obvioulsy don’t need slaves in our contemporary era but there are more of them now than ever before. There are more sex workers, too. This is not by accident.
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