I don’t teach everything I know and wince outloud from time to time. Because I don’t teach other people’s material, what I impart to you is of more value to Me (and you) then if I were at the library copying pages out of someone else’s books. And because of that, it takes time and talent and patience and experience with different ideas so as to make them a utility or theoretical one, that can be passed along (read: sold) to you.
Many people don’t appreciate this and material that can give you a legitimate edge in competitions is valuable. Period.
That said, no intelligence agencies I know of, save a few boutique consultancies like McKinsey and a handful of others–teach anything whatsoever. Mossad will never start reprinting pages out of their own personal pages of stratagem. Why would they? To help you? Who the fuck are you? Same with MI-6, CIA, ISI (unless they be retired) and so on. I on the other hand, due to pressure to be relevant as both a source of intelligence and philosophy over that intelligence, Am pressured to produce (read: disclose) what I can do or know. This helps with establishing Sovrumano as a talent for clients and other opportunities. But it also makes Me cringe as I let some things go.
One fundamental flaw that you will find in many operations especially those of the non-intelligence field kind, is the lack of recognition when a gamechanger has occurred.
At Sovrumano, I define this as a SD of 2 or more and in many cases just 1 SD is enough to require a reassessment for.
Inability to recognize a gamechanger before it occurs will absolutely put you on your heels. This has direct and secondary advantages. In the military some are calling this secondary advantages a virtual attrition. That means that in addition to your adversary having superior firepower, that there are secondary benefits to the obvious one. For example a superior sniper in the area can not only take out key people from afar but he can cause the regime to change their routes of transport or to divide up their personnel to go hunting for him instead of other tasks.
Therefore knowledge of gamechangers, when they are, where they are, what they can be is key.
Operational Intelligence
So here are a few places to look for changes directly to yourself and indirectly to yourself. But they could also be changes in the environment such as weather or the availability of goods.
Players: Did the opposition just acquire a new player that you need to worry about? A Shaquille O’Neal or a Michael Jordan? You need to plan for that. The everyman needs to go on a higher alert when they see a new President (long, long before they make President My friend) who espouses some philosophy or politic that they oppose. Most people are cynical and wave it off. To bitch about it at your local coffee shop with others as you read the day’s newspaper may get you some insight, but a cagier man is running iterations at home.
Weaponry: This is a personal pet peeve of Mine because our parents were not trained in intelligence. They may have gasped in “shock and awe” and the weaponry that the USA was developing but few knew what to do about it. So we go from a country with a right to bear arms mano a mano with police–for surely we will fall to oppression if we cannot bear arms–to being a people helpless in the face of their psychotronics. Psychotronics renders the entire state as defunct and STILL not a peep out of anyone. This is flagrant “collective ignorance” …
Collective Ignorance is a category of mode that researchers found when looking at people who would not budge to help a woman who was being assailed by a man. Researchers wanted to know what stops people from rendering assistance to the woman. Answers ranged from “I don’t know them” to “I don’t know the backstory” to “I didn’t want to get hurt” to “I didn’t want to make a fool of myself” but there was one answer that irked the researchers and that was “I didn’t see anytone else doing anything so I didn’t do anything either.”
This they tagged “Collective Ignorance” and is is poignant for the simple reason that groupthink can often get good results if you tap the resources of the group correctly. But in this case the fact that no one would move caused no one to move and so the woman gets beaten. You could say that this phenomena is happening in many,many sectors of our environment and it will lead to the deaths of many, many people.
Numbers: This is a meta that will rule over all the others, obviously. But shifting semantics can yield different answers from time to time and look at a broader category of “numbers”. Where do they have substantially more than yourself? In people? Money? Contacts? Networks? Degrees or certifications? Accomplishments? Ratios of men to women? Blacks to Blues? Debts? Past crimes? Violations? People burned or conned? Materials wasted or destroyed? Pollution?
Philosophy: Now this one may catch you by surprise but oh, is it ever relevant. In fact it is the oxymoron of this post. A failure to recognize outdated or non-applicable material to an environment causes us many woes. How many revisions has your English textbook at University gone through over the last 100 years? And math? Anthropology? History? All of them several times, right? Now look at your religions and their books. Yes, there is great wisdom in may of those books like the Bible. Taleb famously quipped, “If a book has been around for 500 years chances are it will still be around in another 500.” and he was right of course. But take a look at beliefs and errors where there are some to be found. Are the agendas still valid? Does the concept of race or family still hold or has it changed? Is the trade-off cost for the goal changing in some way? Due to My work on the Bible it is now known (see Traffic ME?! Part 2) that the true intention and purpose of the Bible is to inspire a race war; a jihad and bid for paradise by and for Abraham’s family and proteges. Okay, fine. But that also entails getting on top of everyone else to get it and maintain it as he defines it. A totalitarian state is required to hold everyone else down in ‘subjection” so one can enjoy their paradise with their spoils and never again worry about someone taking it from them and then telling them what to do around here. Now when the Bible was written, perhaps lesss than one billion people total were on the face of the Earth. Maybe one and a half with a large bit concentrated in China. Today, there are 8 billion people worldwide. Is the goal still worthy of the ongoing costs? And what of morals? Have our thoughts on those things changed from the common clan-hunting and tribal ancestry we all belong to of one or two thousand years ago in Africa? Failure to recognize the difference from one environment to another environment can have consequences but so can the decades or centuries of difference.
Intelligence: Is someone that much smarter than you? Be careful. there is a temptation for those of superiority to take advantage of those weaker. Not all the time but then it doesn’t take that many of them, either. So keep abreast of your studies. Go to school for Christ’s sake! Tell Me that your own lawyer took advantage of you and I’ll tell you that’s because you don’t know anything about the law or how lawyers work. That part’s your fault. Yes, you need to know something about many things. That’s why I advise people to throw their television sets through the living room window. If you have to watch TV, watch YouTube instructional videos instead. They are just as entertaining and some are so awful that they’re good. Some are professionally done. But you will learn something for sure.
(As an adise, I will tell you that since founding Sovrumano I haven’t had the time to watch TV and I wasn’t a big fan of watching a lot of TV even as a child growing up. I read more than I did watching TV. But I like–and still do–quality TV and especially movies. But I haven’t had the time for one in ages. I haven’t heard a pop song in…2 1/2 years? That’s due to working on things for Sov. I’ve heard a handful of songs over that time. Maybe less then 10. I even lost track of My favorite rock band, Godsmack, after Facelift and was surprised that the market had found them as their last two albums debuted at #1 but I haven’t heard either of them)
Cheaters: Does someone have an advantage over you by way of vice or angle? Is someone at the receptionist’s desk related to a salesperson in the bullpen? Does she send inbound leads to him who are ready to buy? You need to keep track of that not just turn a blind eye to it.
People with psychic abilities and the ability to touch others on the body or genitals or watch opposing counsel rehearse their opening statements at home in front of their bedroom mirror and to know how much a person really has to spend on a new home and if you are attractive or not to a prospective date or husband of your girlfriend’s are just some of the abilities afforded by those who walk among us in
America with psyhchotronics. Yet no one says a thing about it. Maybe that ‘s because they don’t see anyone else saying anything else about it. Good one.
PESTLE: Sorry to drop this one on you at the last end of this thing, I wanted to leave you on a high note, happy to have stopped by for a cup of coffee.
The pest of PESTLE. Well, you know this one of course, as it’s a staple:
This is a “rule of thumb” for newbies to begin with. As your skills grow and you learn your talents you may become a specialist unless you a generalist, so to speak. But it’s a convenient way to divide up the world around you into sectors.
These sectors can be refined of course. Ask a sociologist if adding good-looking people into the office or city will have an impact on the office or city. “Yes, it will.:” he would reply. So something as simple as adding Caucasians into the environment alone could cause some shifting in the seats so to speak among others around. Men who were formerly interested in the secretary may be more interested in the new sales rep instead.
That’s a gamechanger for the secretary.
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