Seems to Me that when we want to teach someone to do or not to do something we sometimes–in our desperation to make contact with a teenager–will go to extraordinary lengths to do so, even invoking the paranormal as a consequence or potential incentive for listening to what Mommy is telling you. Hence, heaven and hells, tooth fairy’s, monsters in the dark, and stranger-danger are all fairy tales to get the point across.
So I was thinking about the “stigma” of an unwanted pregnancy or knowledge of your tryst with a man while you were under the influence one late evening, and now discover that you are a “whore” to many of the people around town. These types of situations don’t happen so much anymore but they once did, and you can see the issues reflected back to us in our cinema such as Saturday Night Fever whereas today, it’s virtually non-existant.
Why is that? Contraceptives. Medicines for vinereal diseases. They are getting better and we are getting loser with our trousers around one-another. I Am not active on the club-scene as I once was but I noticed something from the time when I was out some 5-6 nights a week for a few years back there vs. today and that is that the number of “hook-ups” that are taking place among the peeps out there, say from age 25-40, has increased (I estimate) some 500%.
That’s not a typo. I said five-hundred percent.
Now there are many reasons for this but they are outside the scope of this particular observation and I’m trying to make it a pleasant read, dammit, so we won’t go off on tangents this time. I think. Unless you want Me to demarcate the areas that just give you what yuo want and screw the background information. We’lll see.
Back on track: What happened to the stigma of our behavior? And more importantly what about the “paranormal” invocations of sin or legend? Was our original indoctrination of regarding premarital sex a “technique” to dissuade us from the act instead of what it was which was really a technique to persuade young, impressionable minds who were raised to believe in God that He would disapprove of us if we “sinned”? Is is still a sin if there is no risk of vineareal disease or unwanted pregnancy?
I have a sneaky feeling that it is not. And I don’t expect today’s scholars and poets to regard it as such either. If it can be done safely and without fear of legend as a “whore” than many more people will “normalize” this behavior. That means it’s not abnormal or something “God” would mind. That’s where this is going, I believe.
In fairness, this is new territory for us as a humankind. contraceptives are new and this first generation of guinea pigs isn’t old enough to have bared fruit. But i will give you one word of caution. I met a lot of people over My years of partying and among some of the newer generation that now has access to psychotronics–which is allowing people to meet one another “online” or “over the sky” as I call it–as well as induce euphoria far more powerful than any street drug can–I can tell you that they have said to Me that if hey had to do I again, they would have slept with fewer guys. That this technology is often used to “tickle” them until they give in and that this happens a lot. And you should expect it to. The tech walks through any walls into any room and can follow you around and stimulate you any time the other wants to. There isn’t anything you can do about it. That said, there is a lot of flirting that is go8ing on and I believe that there are far more “open” marriages then ever before because the idea of staying faithful is now out of the question. Thank the Pentagon for that one.
Alright, I have to run.
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