Reason for Hope

There are many reasons why people don’t believe that anything will come of Christ’s “return”. 


There’s the lack of news media, the lack of uproar by the public–Rodney King got a bigger uproar out of the city of Los Angeles then Myself–, there’s the lack of response by the Church and the Churchgoer (Christendom was predicted to be exposed), and then there’s the legitimate threat of consequences to those who’ve cut a deal with the police-cults, there’s the attempts at brainwashing and intimidation also by the police-cults as they send firetrucks out in to the street to tell others what to do using psycyhotronics and their sirens, and then there’s our youth; for this, I feel the most longing and dread but there is only so much I can do from here. They are the most vulnerable and can be raised to believe literally anything. Further, they want the approval of their peers and will do whatever the “cool” kids are doing. 


Last but not least is the make-up of the Freemasons who perpetuate this scenario. They have a history of not making many changes with the times. That doesn’t mean that they dont’ make additions to their “philosophy” it means that they don’t discard old or inapplicable stuff. Biology and genetics may come along, they’re sticking with tribalism. Resumes and referrals and samples of work may come along–they’re sticking wth tribalism. Studies in psychology and psychograhics may come along–they’re sticking with tribalism. Similar phenomena can be found with pursuit of ethnocentric paradise and the supremacy of one over everyone else. It isn’t easy to get all 900M white-skinned people on top of 6 or 7B other people irrespective of qualification or merit. To do that will require brainwashing and miseducation en mass as well as the physical, mental, sexual and sociological retardation of the masses. How else did you think you get people to be your slave? 


Still, Freemasonry is showing it’s cracks and wear and tear. It’s a phenomenal mismatch for the environment and is causing asynchronicities (the phenomena I catalogued in sociology) whereby little or no stimuli is having big effects somewhere else or there is no need for the effect at all. So…there may be more money than ever before, like $80 trillion dollars up from $687 billion dollars in 1919 a phenomenal increase, but we could have more crime today than ever before. I was the one who noted that there is more crime taking place today in 24 hours than took place in a year just 100 years ago. 


You could have more resources than ever before–more oil, cars, travel, electronics, entertainment, free education, fewer languages, fewer religions, more comparable people to yourself to meet or marry, the internet could eliminate lonliness and finding a perfect mate for you altogether, advances in medicine–and you could still end up with more wars being fought today then there were when we didn’t have that much money or any of these luxuries. It almost casts doubt on why we go to war in the first place. 




Traditional reasons for going to war are for 1.) Power 2.) Incompatability and 3.) Land or resources. When they are fought in a civil matter they are 1.) Natioanality 2.) Ethnicity 3.) Race and 4.) Religion. (I just recited from memory and you must tell everyone.) 


When wars are fought, there is the  published reason and then there is the unpublished reason. So I won’t go into arguments here about Israel’s responsibilities or accountabilities here. But before the USA was founded all of these nation-states were not at war with each other. Today they are and the reason is for the USA instigating them. And the USA’s reasons for instigating them can be traced back to Israel’s agendas. That doesn’t mean that every report of war is Israel’s fault, It just means that a lot of unilateral strikes on people have been made by them as they consider them “enemies” and sometimes these people are no such thing, just of another race or religion, which is only natural as we can’t all be from Europe or the USA. 


That’s a lot of harm, waste, utilization of natural resources, dead bodies, good people, torture, inheritance of lands and people you don’t know, etc. It doesn’t appeal to most people including people in the U.S. Army who are constantly dubious about our being in _______  (or any country we’ve invaded or attempted to establish an imperial relationship to). 


Would you believe that all of the aforementioned problems stem and root from the mind? From psychology? From who your teachers were? From who takes power and enforces what ideas? But in our case those ideas are becoming increasingly liminal as faulty. And many Freemasons don’t want to be masons anymore. I knew that without checking or looking or surveying any of them. The reason is because they have to do evil things as part of their membership and they capture a lot of people and make them join. So consequently you may have people in Hollywood who are members but don’t want to be. There is rumor of sexual assault of the “enemy’s” children by way of pedophilia by men and women who are not pedophiles but have to participate anyway. Michael Jackson may be an example of this. 


Before this gets too long-winded let Me say that one of the reasons that you have information today that you did not have 25 years ago is because the previous generation has passed away. Robert Anton Wilson made note of this years ago when looking at “breakthroughs” in some sciences. As soon as the older generation passed away, there was a bump in the number of patents or procedures. From which he inferred that the old-timers were in the way with their preferred way of doing things. Similar phenomena happened when people passed away who were very talented in their resepective careers. When they died, they were lauded as “geniuses” and “prolific”. Wilson wanted to know why they waited until the person was dead to say something. He was an author and didn’t like the idea of his books becoming bestsellers after he passed away. The reason it turns out is because the ego of one person will not acknowledge the ego of another very easily at times. With them gone, freedom from consequence insues and the people who knew the deceased become verbose and flattering. 


Why do members of the Golden Dawn put on seminars without (verbally) disclosing that they are members themselves? I once watched a training video on how to recognize occult phenomena and the guy teaching the class, circa 1984, was showing people in a room clues left behind by rock legends Led Zepplin. He played a record backwards. He played an excerpt from the end of a concert here in Los Angeles around 1979-ish (“Tonight the trick’s been on you and you are all going to hell.”) and the words the singer said as they walked off the stage, and other things. But the funny thing was that during his presentation, he made a hand gesture that no one else in the audience recognized and it meant that he himself was a member! Wowza. I thought that hysterical. It turns out he may have to do that in order to demonstrate to any other members who may happen to be in the room or see the video later, that he himself is a member and “authorized” to teach their secrets. I think he was a cop, also. 


What does all of this have to do with anything? With optimism? I think today’s nomenclature is largely to do with the “seniors” of the police-cults today. They are the ones with something at stake, not the younger ones. Furthermore, they are putting a gun to the head of millions of Americans and doing so covertly. Technology has advanced to the point where they can do that and no one will run into a newsroom and blurt out that “We are under attack!” because everyone in the newsroom is in on it and after you’re done you could be caught and killed by the terrorists. Remember, you would normally look to the cops to protect you. 


A young girl walked past Me very last night and said something like….”if you make eyes at me, we are authorized to kill you…” or something like that. I couldn’t hear her very clearly as I was working at the time editing video. But I think I know who said it and I think she was required to. I don’t think she believes the words coming out of her own mouth. Isn’t that reason for despair? No. It’s the opposite. 


It’s a signal leak that the seniors have something to lose–their asses with Me in court, they’re afraid of young girls liking Me despite My being in a tent, that they feel that they need to send over 100 people per day with messages for Me usually redundant–all of which are per their respective seniors in the police-cults. When those with something at stake retire or die, people’s tongues get lose and sometimes so does their behavior. They are free, as Wilson noted when looking at the bump in patents or procedures or improvements, to do what they wanted to do all along but couldn’t because so-and-so was always breathing down our neck to back him up. Or maybe not to back him up but to do it the “correct way” which is his way, etc. 


To this day, clansmen know that “their own” people will not stay with them if you remove the controls that now keep them in place. That’s good and it’s because Abraham’s ideas were fanciful and off-the-cuff. They were not the result of data analysis but of vendettas. They were directly the inverse of his past experiences with life as a slave (or his descendants) and his missions were taken directly from those experiences. Anything that was a negative, such as being a second-class citizen would be amended by being the top citizen in the future and forevermore. Experiences with listening to people you didn’t like would be amended with never listening to anyone not of your own tribe. Experiences with buddhism (later Christianity created by them no less) would be the foundation for thier anti-Christian posture which they keep to this day. Any notion from Hammurabi that Buddhism was going to be the world’s new religon was met by counters to spread satanism instead and corral all Buddhists into a room and detonate them. Armageddon. Any notion of lacking or poverty would be met with clan-hunting and capture. 


All of these (…and another one I started to posit but a kid went by on a bicycle and distracted Me then My phone rang. If I remember it later I’ll add it and subtract this tacky info…) are his own idiosyncratic experiences with Buddhism and the consequences of being cast out into the desert. Ah! I just happened to remember one I forgot–rules! If Israelites were not allowed to worship Ba’al with their wild orgies and parties in Hammrabi’s estate, then the solution would be to not have to deal with rules anymore. Thus, Israelites would pride themselves on being “free men” versus what other citizens would be. In fact, this distinction becomes so paramount that they literally trap people in slavery today in order to live out this fantasy and agenda. Although slaves are no longer necessary, satanists want to make slaves out of their “enemies” or their “enemy’s” children. This is also the foundation for the racism they are famous for. 


Today we know that the Bible is over. I know because I ended it, remember? We know that the USA is over, as well. I didn’t end that one but I Am the harbinger of it, ironically. Without seeing Me on the sidewalk being abused the average American has no clue that the USA is under siege. Even with My telling them that directly they still don’t fucking get it and I get infuriated as we are really dependant upon those who are literate to get a state-of-emergency declared. And don’t get Me started on our pastors who we find suddenly in a critical position on the game board due to their supposed link to Myself. They may as well conduct Sunday School from the Bible. Sure 


As I say, to this day the clansman knows that his agenda will not hold. to give it some increased appeal comes the sabotage of people like Myself or cultures of people who are talented. With them devastated, pretty girls can walk by and ignore them. Who wants to be with another culture of people? No one. This is where it’s happening. But that’s not without design and larceny and desperation and fear. If someone, say a Latino, has built a billion-dollar fortune with better mousetrap, the Sheriff’s job is to take it from him. This prevents the Latinos from gaining “power” which the Supremacist fears constantly no matter how much weaponry or money he has, and it contains the Latino population to a bar that is far more reasonable. The problem is that the average person doesn’t see this process taking place and they assume that Caucasians are of more talent. They are not. They cheat like a son-of-a-bitch. 


Unlike the clansman, as I Am his opposite no less, is the realization that I don’t fear losing any people. Black or white, I believe they stay with Me. And if they dont’ or didn’t want to, I have no qualms with them leaving. So long as they don’t terrorize us or attack us, it’s fine with Me. I don’t believe people leave Sovrumano or the Overman because there isnt’ anything to leave Him for. With people where they want to be, what is left over there among the satanists are pedophiles, sociopaths, psychopaths, thieves, compulsive liars, losers of high degree and frustration–so much so that one could make a religious practice out of trying to assuage it (Gee, I wonder what race of people that could apply to…?), rapists, greed monsters…I mean, who wants to be over there? Anyone? Nah… 


We draw lines in the ground here. We have standards. But I Am no goodie-two-shoe and allow people to make their own way to large degree. That of course presupposes that you have a decent guage for your behavior. I really don’t want to tell you what to do. I really you rather know that yourself and do it. Don’t make Me tell you to do it, that will make Me angry. You know what needs to be done, go do it. Do it right. 


So with the falling of the United States and the Bible, comes the falling of many other filters on our thinking. I Am expecting big surprises with the Bibe gone. As long as it’s not supplanted by an ogre I expect to see miracles really happen. I said that 4 or 5 years ago and I still feel that way now, from time to time. It’s just a hunch. I feel like Sovrumano could be some kind of “wormhole” through which other good things can come about. 


With the passing of an older generation, comes the horror of realization by today’s youth in retrospect. They harassed Christ. They assaulted Christ himself. They boxed out people from all over the world who had a financial stake in His being here. They got to say nothing to Him. We took all of His time and we cursed at Him constantly. The Churches that have supported every single one of our family members for hundreds of years may have lost a fortune in addition to losing the very purpose of their existence–to invoke Christ’s arrival. We boxed them out and they got to say nothing. Christ himself lost a fortune and did nothing. 


We were….evil. 


Who’s kids are those? Yours? Do you recognize them? And yet that is exactly what police-cults are putting them up to doing. Police-cults have two reasons I know of: 1.) I’m “latino” and not “supposed to be” powerful. 2.) They want to steal My wealth even if they get 2 cents on the dollar. 3.) They don’t want to get busted doing number 1 or 2. And for them, millions are stopped and thousands are mobilized to stop them in order to keep the police safe while they are stealing, if you can believe it. Even Christ? Yep, even Christ. Bad idea, idiot. 


So for these reasons I have some optimism. Not a great deal of it, but some. We are holding a few cards but they are, in their entirety, outside the scope of this article and dangerous to give away. But we will accomplish nothing if people don’t organize and act. 

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