Believe it or not some services are still able despite My being illegally detained.
Speaking Engagements. If you would like Me to speak for your sales meeting or convention, whether it’s for a hundred people or a thousand, let Me know. (323)314.9261
Speaking engagements for Churches and Temples and Synagogues, etc. are free and I may stop by to address the congregation. This is to make sure that we are all on the same page together, as one, worldwide. This is required for all institutions baring My name. If a pastor wants to do a fundraiser or just have Me stop by for a talk then the only thing I would ask is that you pay for My travel and meal. In all likelihood, you may have to pick Me up anyway: 213-518-0412
Graphic Design. I get a lot of compliments on My graphic design work but I Am an amateur and it’s not what I do professionally. Still if you want to take a chance, that’s fine with Me, but there are no guarantees. I can design a logo, an ad, or perhaps make an illustration or graphic for you like a flow chart or something like that: 213-518-0412
Analysis. Where do I get My ideas from? How did I uncover so much ancillary information on Trafficking such that it would put Me on the front page of the USA Today? I dunno. I have a peculiar way of looking at things or maybe questions I ask. Again, this is new to Me but something I discover a talent for. If you have a subject that you would like Me to take a look at, as long as it’s not math and statistics, I may give it a go: 213-518-0412
Coaching. Do I do personal coaching over the phone? I suppose I could. You would be answerable to Me. Is this for personal development or for a specific altercation? Altercations are tricky as I Am dependant upon you for the most intel I can get about your obstacles. Furthermore, these things always work on probabilities, that is, the chances of success if we take this route vs. another. There are no guarantees in game theory. You can do everything correct–every move and every play–and still end up with nothing. It’s not like baking a cake. Therefore you have to be prepared for losses even if your moves are the correct ones most of the time. 213-518-0412. Also, people cheat, you know?
If you have any questions or think of something that you may want Me to do or think I would be a good fit for, feel free to contact Me. One-time questions and the like are just fine. If you are interested in partnerships where you can market graphics or tee-shirts or use them for fundraisers, feel free to contact Me. It’s entirely possible you may be given a contract to market merchandise with My agency’s logo or graphic on it specifically for your campaign or as a part of your line of clothing that you sell. Most likely this will apply to the Churches but you have to contact Me and tell Me what you are thinking. Aryan Christ is the name for the religious/noble societies that want to raise funds and awareness. Everything from that side of the company is donated by Myself including the speaking engagements, meetings with pastors, and merchandising. The Sov side is where I plan to earn My living. If we can get me free of this hated nigger race that wants to touch on us and force stools out of our rectums while claiming innate superiority or elan vital, and get them exposed for the nigger-inclinations they so proudly bare when alone, then we could have a real fun time here at the Aryan Brotherhood.
I don’t sell ads on the site but have considered it. I don’t think that’s what I want to do although I thought I was going to be forced that way and I still could be if I can’t afford to keep the site online for 7B people alive today, the hundreds of billions that invested in this moment, and the hundreds of billions of people on the way.
(Say thanks to the FBI for securing the world’s single largest collective endeavor since the beginning of time itself. The fucking nigger race doesn’t know what it’s doing, do they? They are afraid that I’ll become “too powerful” and the other reason that has been offered is that I’m “a Mexican” and they don’t listen to Mexicans or want them telling whites what to do. For the record, I am half Latino and half African which creates a 3rd race. Next, I don’t want to tell whites what to do any more than they want Me to,either. However if you can’t figure this simple shit out it necessitates a response from qualified people. Lastly, I Am an Afro-Latino because it puts Me opposite the Jews who demarcated themselves as something superior (they are not) on account of their white skin. Truth is they, the albinos, are an African race that is fooling people en mass. They have also mixed with countless other races along the way improving upon themselves as they go. Often referring to themselves as “hybrids” and this shows up in their artwork and movies. I, too, Am a “hybrids” but I don’t stand for the destruction of mankind like an Alien from the movie Aliens vs. Predators (see “Traffic ME?! Part 3) I stand for the enlightenment of mankind and it’s maturation and self-sufficiency. That is their opposite and it is not accident.)
If you are a marketing genius and want to partner with Me in the merchandising of Sovrumano on the gaming side of the company, I may consider it as I Am busy with research in numerous fields and can’t keep up with everything.
If you have trouble reaching Me via the telephone number, try Zhangi at 10-1785-1958 or protonmail at I will double-check that email address to make sure it’s still working though. You can always try Messenger:
If your calls go straight to voicemail and you don’t hear back from Me please call the FBI. This is not a joke. The way you keep people illegally detained is by boxing them out from socializing, business, receiving donations, receiving legal counsel and the like. So if your calls don’t go through realize that it is not just Me who is trapped but it is also you too. You are not getting through to the people who you want to and that boxes you out as well.
As always if you are just calling because you are a nun, priest, bishop, pastor, would-be intern, would-be volunteer, etc. then I would advise you to tell everyone you know that Christ is here. Second if there is anything you can donate, no matter how small whether it be money or electronics such as tablet computers or laptops–Windows is what is needed at the moment–then that is what you can do.
The monthly subscription is $5 per month. The DS alone is worth 5x that if you are using it. And if you want to make a one time donation, you can do so at the same address:
Again, if you don’t think your donations are going through or your subscription is going through, call Me immediately at 213-518-0412.
Thank you.
-Christ Titus 🌑
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