
Some are good. Some are not. But all of them have information that you can use!

Flagship: “Traffic ME?!”

What started out as an innocuous conversation with a clerk at a state courthoue–whether I should be using an officer for willful negligence or trafficking (“What’s trafficking?”)–turned into this multi-dimensional odyssey that will take apart trafficking in ways you’ve never imagined. This is not a fact sheet on the tragic numbers of trafficking but why we are still doing it to this day. This is a long program with the first video being the most entertainment-oriented one. Thereafter, it’s all business. You will get a first-hand look at our agency’s intelligence work and see the publishing of many firtst in this category.

Promotional Ads for “Traffic ME?!” Part 1

“Traffic ME?!” Part 1

In this video we begin our journey into the subject of “trafficking”. Which, as it turns out, is slavery. 

Promotional Ads for “Traffic ME?!” Part 2

“Traffic ME?!” Part 2

This is where our deep dive begins and the skills you learn here–unbeknownst to Me at the time–will become necessary to know as we progress forward. You will also begin to learn many things about the environment taught only by Sovrumano.

*Learn about the supposed history of the “white” race and what they bring to our lives.

*Learn about Compliments! You will find these everywhere in your environment and they can be used to look for opportunities as well as for creativity. I Am the one who defined that they be used this way and I give you about 9 or 10 of them. There are about 14 ways that things can be reversed or juxtaposed so look for a new updated list.

“Traffic ME?!” Part 3

Without further adieu, I give you part three.

*Learn what asynchronicities are! These are a first in sociology and no one else has noted them before. This is another Sovrumano first.

*Learn how to make your very own slave! Hey, I’m no goodie-two-shoe but I do know where to draw the line. Learn principles of controlling others.

Promitional Ads for “Traffic ME?!” Part 4.

Due to numerous setbacks with the making of this videocast–there is constant interference and interruptions by law enforcement including destruction of electronics and physical assaults as well as electronics stolen by the “black community” of DTLA who are very well aware that I Am Christ–I have to break the final chapter up into two different sections. That may be just fine as the video segment gets longer as I work on it.

“Traffic ME?!” was started with two parts in mind but when I realized I wasn’t done with the subject material, I left the video cast “open”; that is, to bring closure when the subject was itself defined for our purposes. Lastly, I went on a tangent investigating cloud computing, virtual machines and the like for about six months setting things back even further. However, what’s learned is useful and will be passed along.

And here is part 4 of 5! This took a lot longer than I expected it too. There were numerous thefts of electronics, numerous terror attacks on electronics that either shut them off or deleted files or ran the batteries down or sarcasrtically moved the cursor around, etc.

THEN I decide to take 3 months off to investigate virtual machines and things like that. I knew it would set things back but when I’m compelled, I’m compelled. So it took two years n all to produce this one hour but it’s tightly scored and has two hour’s worth of information in just one. People say they didn’t just like it–they loved it!

I lost 10 pounds and a tooth doing this. In this video we investgigate the Jews and their history with slavery and we start to draw conclusions and ideas about our own collective situation here in America.

And ad is on the left and the video on the right! One more installment to go and this franchise is finished.

“Our Morning Will”

This quick sketch became a favorite of Mine so much that I leave it on the homepage of the website to this day.

There is genocide paraphernalia in  our pop media. It is published by our police and government at it’s own citizens. I cannot make a more paramount statement than that.

Yet Americans, acclimated to this, walk past it every day not realizing that many movies, tv shows, and ads actually serve a dual purpose–they are telling you what is to come or of some history but in metaphor. This means that Americans are being killed by their own police every day yet they are not screaming about it. Last time I checked, America’s mortality rate was less then other county’s despite the fact that Americans see their doctor more often, take more drugs, and have better equipment/technology.

My father was tortured in the hospital for being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses his whole life. People in the mid-west supposedly had fetinol and meth and heroin dumped into the environment to get rid of them.

Our youth are increasingly callous to the idea of genocide of their peers or neighbors. If I were you, I would start screaming.


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