It is lamentable, but understandable given the dreams of the Albino Jews, that even Christ himself should not even have authority over His own Church and people if it is said by them that He does not. They desire, with no qualification for it, the top spot and the top spots no matter what the industry or where the place. This is a mission b0rn of resentment upon finding themselves a powerless people when working for Hammurabi, I believe.
So today, I had the unfortunate opportunity to warn a miscreant that he would be expelled from the Church and it’s Missions–all of them–if he didn’t straighten up. This is a severe punishment, I know. I don’t flippantly make such warnings. But the dude’s response is inspiring and worthy of a post. He said, “You not allowed to do dat.”
Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard these words around the Skid Row area of Los Angeles where the Sheriff reigns supreme like a king. Or perhaps a frog. A frog in it’s lake or however the stupid quip goes. “The largest frog in the pond.” Whatever.
And I infer that the homeless around the Skid Row area and perhaps beyond, are having their opinions formed by the Sheriff. And he in turn, has his opinions informed by a witchcraft practice as well as “scientific” racism and perhaps a good dose of fear and/or resentment. Fear of being upstaged by someone without his physical talent or appearance (He appears as a Hindu and not just any Hindu but an albino one. One that stands out amongst the smartest people in the world. He is no such thing.). And resentment over those who can or have or might be able to perform his job or “a” job better then he can. For this reason I have received death threats from police who state that if I become too “powerful” for them, I will be shot by them. Wow. Talk about a sore loser and cheater, eh?
Back to our issue.
Around the Skid Row area various permutations on this sentiment are examples like, “He not allowed to do dat to ow people.” and “He cain’t do dat.” and “Not to ow people, he not.” and so on. All of this is to ratify their own notion that My christening as Christ is akin to, say, Farrakhan’s appointment within the Muslim church. It is not. They imply that if they are not Muslims that they don’t have to listen to Farrakhan (Me.). This is not accurate.
My christening as Overman (hint-hint, clue-clue) is a Universal. It is not a local phenomena. It is the only christening of it’s kind and the only one that can be authenticated by researchers today, tomorrow even 100 years from today. There will never be another one like it, I Am sure.
In other words, I Am not a religion you join. The “Overman” is “over” mankind. He is their chosen Leader. He is there not as a matter of contesting but as a matter of election and choice by the Earth itself.
Now then, we have the issue of a corrupt police and their activities bleeding into private affairs and organizations that they seek to usurp and exploit. The Church is one of them. For this matter it should be known that the Church is a private, charitable organization. It is also a tax-free organization due to it’s apolitical nature. It provides charity to all people indiscriminately and worldwide. It is indispensible to all countries where it resides as it provides relief to billions of people worldwide. Just one Christian charity in Los Angeles has served over one billion meals and it’s not in the Skid Row area. Think of that. Think of the tax burden that relieves The average Joe without. And then there is the sheltering and the clothing and the baby formula and the diapers and I could go on and on…
Now then, this private international organization is in some disarray as I find it. It is broken into myriad pieces and these myriad pieces do not know or talk to one another. This happens on a macro-scale and a micro-scale. So our miscreant, cited earlier, could theoretically tell Me to shove it and walk down the street and check into another Christian Mission funded by Christians for the purpose of establishing a Christian society and have no one the wiser. After all the devil-worshipping, trailer-park clans that now inhabit these police departments have absolutely no motive to assist. Why? Because they seek to tax and ruin all that they can so as to overtake it. This is intentional and is intentionally modeled after the pests you know of like rats and fleas and bacteria and cancer cells and viruses. It isn’t their money or time spent on the miscreant and they wantonly send us their felons just released from prison, misfits, mental health, runaways, drug addicts, the violently inclined, cleptomaniacs, rapists and so on.
Within the Church there are principals. These principals are the ones who make the decisions about the Church’s business and where it will assist, donate funds or goods and where it will not. Who they will appoint as overseers and so on. This is not something done by police nor the people who routinely patronize the Church or mission for assistance or meals.
*If* you are a Church or college or Mission or foundation that receives donations from Christian people then you are by default within My authority as the organization itself is designed to be “Christ’s”. That would be the Christ who was, and is now here, expected to return to lead the Aryan peoples worldwide.
I do not imply that I Am the only authority or principal within the Church. Nor do I want to be. However regarding simple matters as expelling a single felon or homeless person from amongst us for domestic terrorism–is not a matter that anyone need hold meetings on. The only ones offended are the miscrent and the Sheriff’s who worry that I Am becoming “too powerful”. Bless their hearts.
Regarding the Sheriff and his misindoctrination, they hold that no man of Latino heritage is to be of position or authority beyond their own. This is what they believe but there isn’t any basis for it. We could say with science that stolen positions are to be disregarded as authoritative and have them beaten easily. Today police drive the streets shouting “war” at citizens who are unarmed, unaware of any civil war, and not at war with the state.
The only ones at war with the state and armed are the police. They will find no opponents in society who mill about, day after day, tending to their affairs. Police are stuck waging a “war” with their own employer, theoretically. The funding of their equipment? It’s by the taxpayer. To really flesh out how insipid the Sheriff’s departments are in Los Angeles takes a bit of doing but you will leap backwards at their nefariousness. What they purport to do is to find funding for their warfare from the citizens they are charged with protecting, declare war on them, execute them with weaponry provided them by the state for protecting them, and then rule over the ones that are not killed by the warfare. Those become their slaves forevermore as Latino and African peoples are not allowed to become their superiors or equals per their fanciful doctines.
The problems with their doctrines are even greater than what I list here but not the point of this post. I Am trying to refuse a tangent pulling at My mind; not running off in a diagonal forgetting why I’m here now.
Finally, I would like to say that the purpose of the Church and the Bible is to invoke Christ for a people who call themselves His and desire His leadership, His love, His justice. This may sound like poetry but you have to consider the context.
A long time ago the Jews were in the custody of Hammurabi who was something of a Buddhist. They had a falling out and the Jews left, apparently, under red-hot conditions and vowed to a few things so far as I can surmise. (A podcast on this subject is “The Hammurabi Podcast on our The Sovrumano Podcast on your favorite app.)
Many of these things are “never agains”.
Such as “Never again will we listen to people who are not our own.”
“We will never allow Buddhism to catch on worldwide and we vow to wipe them out before they wipe us out.”
“We will never be their slaves again but vow to make them our slaves.”
“They say that we are not good enough for their holy places and rituals therefore we vow to desecrate these so-called holy places and make them like ourselves.”
“They say that we are bad or evil and that they are good. We vow to become the most evil one possibly can and to torment them as they tormented us. We will take control of their children to take control of them.”
“We vow to be a part of this uppoer-class that we were barred from. All of our albino brothers will be a part of this upper-class and no others without our permission. We shall hold all the highest positions and this shall be forever. Never will we be in a second position.”
“We will never sacrifice ourselves for another but make them sacrifice themselves for us. For this reason a “holy man” was slaughtered. He died for our sins as we were the guilty parties and he was innocent.”
“Their lives will be the ones offered to Ba’al as sacrifices. We shall not be offered to “God” as sacrifices to atone for our sins.”
“They worship the angels and we shall worship the animals.”
“We hate the Aryan like the hyena hate the lion and the lion hate the hyena. For this reason we create a Buddha and rename Him “Jesus”. He shall be known as “Yeshua the Lion” and our position as hyenas shall be secret; and our clans shall hunt as hyenas and they shall be brutal like the hyena and strike fear into their prey when they spy us near.”
These are a few things that I was able to infer from the story of the Jews expelling from the story of Moses in the Bible. These are not taught anywhere else in the world. They are not proven facts, either. But I infer that there is likely validity to them. Did the agenda against Christians exist before the Jews were with Hammurabi? I think not. If that’s true then My inferences are likely correct.
Now then, we were talking “context”.
We are talking about the wanting of Christ to be our leadership; our trust of him, etc.
And do you understand that when the Jews took over this continent we now call the United States that they brought countless Africans here as slaves who had been tricked onto boats and then informed of where they were rowing to after they got far enough ashore? Do you understand that they killed tens of millions of indigenous Americans and have done similarly throughout the world? That the survivors of these massacres are often handed a Bible and told to study it and become Christians?
Do you understand that the offspring of these various peoples–including Caucasians–do not want to work under, serve under, go to court with, take instruction from–their enemies? That the enemy has a doctrine of reneging and of betrayal? That people would prefer not to do business with him? That people are afraid of going to the hospital when elderly for fear of torture? That day-care centers have been sources of pain as kids have been assaulted before they get too old and hard to handle? That the Freemasons have a long history of abuse of all ages, races and places that do not belong to them? Does it make sense to you now why the girl on her knees in the privacy of her bedroom prays with tears in her eyes for her Father?
Do you understand now? Does this make contextual sense now? Today we live in an age where psychotronics could literally wipe crime right off of the map overnight. Is it being used for that purpose? No. What’s it being used for? Stealing, that’s what it’s used for. Sexual molestation. Assault. Stalking. Sabotage. I will go into depth on this in “Futurepace” our agency’s last public videocast.
For this reason, we the noble societies, find ourselves locked into an existential battle with these nigger-races from Africa. Whether we want to be in one or not. No one of us wants to answer to witches and Santerians with white skin.
We have data science to inform our opinions. They have their past experiences which have left them jaded and angry. We are not responsible for their idiosyncratic experiences with Hammurabi nor their coping strategies or “solutions” that they have come up with. We find ourselves being victimized by those ideas; targeted by those ideas.
The Jews literally create a people whom they hate to hate.
We are the products of that creation. We may not continue to be so in the near future. I Am not sure but that is going off on another tangent. Some other time.
I hope I have explained Myself and I hope that all those who enter our missions and churches understand that we are an organization of people who congregate around principals of nobility. Data science–economics, sociology, psychology– says we are correct. We are on the right path. For this reason I have said before and I’ll say it again, “Christianity is not really a religion.” and it isn’t. The prescriptions that make it “religious” are not prescribed in the Bible. Easter, Mass, Christmas, etc are not in the Bible. Read the New Testament carefully and you will see that Christ was a “good man” and and honest one for the most part and taught to go the extra mile to be fair and to die for your family if necessary. These are good values and there is nothing wrong with them. It is what the Freemasons and other cults foster that is intentionally subversive due to it’s being the reverse of correct procedure. To create a schism here and to start dividing people up is folly. Again, I will go into more detail on this in “Future pace”.
The Church is disorganized at the moment. My mission, one of them, is to organize it into one cohesive whole. So that all churches share one database and kn0w who their members are, who visits, and who takes what and some idea of who donates what. This will go a long way to guarding the safety of the Church, it’s people, it’s finances. Right now the Church is literally set-up to be robbed. People donate the money and it disappears. They trust the pastors and that is fine. But in the future we will know for a certainly that the Church or pastor is truly a part of our organization or not.
As far as visitors who take food from our table–be aware–you can be dismissed at any time. I do not owe you lunch. I Am an executive authority within the Church, obviously. And although it might take some time to get a restraining order on you, once it’s done you may not step into another Christian mission for life per Myself. I don’t expect this to happen often but it will happen as I find niggers and miscreants who work against us while simultaneously patronizing us for assistance. All churches who accept donations in Christ’s name (for Christ) will be in compliance or lose their status with our organization. They will face many lawsuits. One from Myself and one from those who fund them–a class action suit–for not following direction of Christ and jeapordizing their safety by not doing so.
With these safeties in place we hope to have a functional and intellient organization, a “New Institution” that is born of the 21st Century with New Books and all sorts of New Things to be taught and learned to make you better than you’ve ever thought you could be. Something for the whole family, not something based upon faith or the invocation of saints or saviors but something that teaches how things “really work” and how to make yourself work within those systems and how to work to change them when and where it can be done.
My apologies to the nigger races if My Latino heritage is offensive to their schematics. God knows nothing of such fancies and has ruled accordingly.
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