Unfortuantely we have had another theft.
I don’t know what to tell you guys. The people who are stealing My electronics and other stuffs from Me know that I Am Christ. They are stealing it anyway.
This is another serious setback for the agency as the data on the smartphone ranges from things needed for court appearances to artwork for the video productions to rough drafts on articles podcasts and so on. It is also how I keep Myself safe. Last night around midnight I found a guy standing behind Me while I sat in My tent and he says, “I’m allowed to shoot yours.”
This may freak some people out and I do find it unnerving because the guy works for the Sherrif’s department. But I have to deal with this sort of thing ALL OF THE TIME. And every single one of these actors has been activated by the Sheriff’s department so far as I can tell.
It would be nice to see the Skid Row community–who is fed 3x a day by volunteers who work for Christ (not the devil) would pull together and tell Me where that nigger is. The phone needs to be recovered like it is the breach of national security that it actually is. Even a response of indignation by the Churches in the area won’t be easy as they are pressured by the Sheriff’s not to acknowledge Me and not to allow Me to become “too powerful”. This is pathetic antic by the Pillsbury Dough Boys. No one worries more for themselves then them and they have assaulted Me hundreds of times for being too attractive. Now they are less concerned with that these days in lieu of My enlighttenment which shifts their attention to looting Me piece by piece to steal My wealth. Still, they send blacks around at 3 a.m.m to make sure that “I don’t have a white girl in My tent” with Me. This is what a black guy said to Me as he walked by early in the morning. It was the 3rd day in a row of it at the exact same time of the morning. I’m 55, homeless, and in a tent. And the fucking cops are sending people around to police Me for fear of Me having a 25 year old Caucasian girl from the nearby complex in My tent with Me laughing her ass of and getting toasted with Me on wine. Whatever.
While standing in line for food, I was typing a tweet in when a guy reached over and grabbed the phone and ran off. For the next hour he would taunt Me while playing with the phone, demanding to know the password.
All attempts to dissuade him from stealing the phone (I’m NatSec; I’m Christ; I’ve got a lot of proprietary work on the phone for My job) fell on deaf ears. He seemed to be on drugs and his mood alternated from angry to amuse to daydreaming.
I happened to have a hammer on Me and took a swing at his head with it but missed. He had a big advantage as I had a very large and heavy bag with My sleeping stuffs in it, a backpack of medium weight on My back but with more electronics used for work and a light-weight red back slung over My shoulder. Furthermore, I felt sort of gaunt at the time as I had not been eating as much as I should have over the previous day or two.
Then I go to the police and upon entering the police station while waiting in line I Am taunted by a cop who is not in the booth area of the station but in the back somewhere. This happens to Me all of the time so it doesn’t alarm Me the way it might someone who has never been taunted by the police before who is there for services.
He says things like, “Welcome to our army.” and “I’m going to shoot you.” and “Stay out of my Starbucks.” that I Am “his responsibility” and so on. This last part though, caught My attention. A few years ago, when Detective Schlund had My case at Internal Affairs, a barista at Starbucks put lint or something in My hot water that I got from her at the counter. I noticed that she was a muscular girl, Caucasian, had tatoos that covered her arms down to the wrist, that she had a pretty face and that she was stout, almost like a bodybuilder perhaps. But I didn’t think her a bodybuilder for some reason.
She said something as she handed Me the large cup of hot water. Back then I used to make green tea first thing in the morning (of coffee) and I would sometimes get hot water from whatever place I could find it. ANYWAY, her appearance as well as her saying something to Me as I took the cup from her–which I couldn’t make out–tipped Me off that something wasn’t quite right. When I went outside and lifted the cap off of the cup, I noticed in the bottom of the cup of clear hot water there was debris at the bottom that looked much like lint from a clothes dryer.
So for about a half hour or so, I Am trying to get My smartphone back from this guy. I don’t want to suffer another setback. This company has had too many of them. Over the last 2 years I have lost 6 smartphones and 2 tablets. I have been slowed countless times by distraction, assaults, food poisonings, bathroom breaks, thefts, files stolen, pictures stolen and so on. All of these seem to be coming from the same place–the Sheriff’s.
While this guys is dancing in circles taunting Me about having My smartphone and asking for the password to use it, he intersperses “The Sheriff sent us to slow you down; to call you faggot; to take yo stuff.” And I maintain that this is probably the truth. This morning as I’m walking about, rumors abound “He put yo smartphone in his bin at the storage.” and “They been takin’ yo stuff and den to a warehouse so it can be auctioned off later.” Which I also happen to believe.
This has to be My greatest disappointment with the Enlightenment. It’s the lack of mind amongst all of these people. You really don’t know what criminal insanity is or incompetence is or ignorance is until you see desperate white men working as cops and the black communities they employ to help them steal around town.
You see I have pointed out to them several different times and in several different ways that Christ is OFF-LIMITS and not to be touched for the purposes of “warfare” or targeted by street gangs or the KKK for that matter. But did it work? No. Why. Good question. It’s because of the infrastructure of the actors that’s why.
There is a very simple-minded and childish take on the world that you see around you taken by these police-cults. It’s the will to “ownership” of another’s property. The reasoning is, I infer, that if they “own” it then they don’t have to ask for permission before using it; that they can make any use of it that they want even uses it’s not intended for; and finally they are not on the hook for anything broken or ruined. After all, they own it. He can break it if he wants to. It’s his.You’re his. You’re his “problem”. His “responsibility”. You are on “his” street. In his “Starbucks”. Taking “his” drugs.
The truth of the matter is that the police don’t own anything. They are simply fiduciaries. But people are not paying attention and wave off talk by police of a “police-state” and do not understand the intimations. What the police purport to do is to take a salary from the taxpayer, take equipment also funded by the taxpayer, and then to launch a real and kinetic militant action against the community that employs them to protect them in a move to control the state.
This is not a sexy idea. It’s a sexy movie. “Fight Club”, a classic and a former favorite of Mine until I learned better (I had the collector’s edition.) is a romantic take on this idea from the perspective of the skinhead not the community. And the details left out–what it’s actually like to “get raped” by those you trust in police, government, business, medicine and so on–isn’t sexy at all. It’s terrorism. And it’s terror for the sake of getting everything under their control.
Furthermore this kind of desperation is only applicable to some kinds of men. This is not a race it’s a moral issue although it, as a doctrine, is born of the blacks. And they would be the ones with enough frustration and anger and inadequatness (inadequateness? Lemme find a thesaurus…hang on…) and deficiencies and amongst so many of their people as well as sometimes unattractiveness that they could turn the practice of stealing or mugging into something of a religion which is exactly what Freemasonry is. It’s Displacement Capitalism and that is accomplished by perfidy. Perfidy is a whole ‘nother level so to speak and it really requires a desperation that only the damned or the cornered have.
So how do police come by this “ownership”?
There is no real ownership, it is the semblance of ownership. This means control of others. Control of businesses. Control by way of collusion and illegal networks. Sometimes by insider threat. Sometimes by subsuming. Sometimes by ruining. Sometimes by psychotronics and forcing others to his will. Sometimes it’s by control of the news reports and the silencing of victims so that other marks don’t get a heads-up that he is the source of their problems. Sometimes it’s by controlling your email or phone calls. Maybe by barring others from visiting with your or blocking humanitarian aid to you.
You have heard Me guilt-trip these nigger races before. And there is good reason for it. This crime against Christ is unprecedented in it’s scale and mindlessness. In it’s notoriety which will last forever. And for the blacks, it is total damnation.
If you ever thought that you would see Christ himself in the flesh in your lifetime walking down the street, you would probably pass-the-fuck-out from disbelief. It’s only matched by the gross greed amongst honky-tonk Sheriff’s who believe, due to miseducation, that he is supposed to be the one who is the boss. There isn’t any rationale for this, it’s a religious belief fostered by the Jews in the Talmud (I Am told, as I’ve never seen it Myself) and their doctrines espoused by white supremacists which was informed and formed by past experiences in Africa while under the keep of another tribe.
What the Sheriff aims to do is to take out past transgressions by Buddhists against his people from some 9-1200 years ago and punish their descendants today as if the descendants of some ancestor of 1200 years could possibly have anything to do with what ancestor of such age did while in another country. The other theory I have heard is that My family is a part of an uprising that got themselves free of slavery. Possibly related to the Civil War time, I have no idea. But the story goes, that the police were originally created by wealthy slave-owners to patrol the now-freed slaves and to see what they were up to. There was a vow, I presume, to get these people reenslaved at some time or to hunt them down and kill them for having gotten away.
Now this is rich. Israel themselves were slaves until they got themselves free for misbehavior. My ancestors supposedly got themselves free by way of Civil War due to inhumane treatment or due to assistance by the Christian Churches and other civil rights movements. For Israel to target people for death for having gotten themselves free which is exactly what they themselves did–as well as vowing to never become slaves to anyone else ever again–while not according the same amount of determination amongst My own ancestors is more than hypocritical it’s perfidy. And even that somehow doesn’t do the act of killing innocent people justice. Since that time period there are laws written by policymakers and psychologists that affirm that the treatment was inhumane and not to be suffered by anyone. My ancestors were right to fight, not wrong.
Which brings us to today. No where is it more clear that Freemasonry is a nigger religion from Africa then when you get to hang around blacks on a full-time basis. I always distinguish African men and women from “blacks” as I use “black” in the derogatory sense of the word. A white man can be “black” as far as I’m concerned and they often are but when I mention “black” I almost invariably mean a degenerate or determined criminal; someone angry and depressed and likely blocked from what he wants in life.
This morning as I’m walking along two guys, both wearing uniforms as security guards for an apartment complex, say “Watch yo backpack.” In case you didn’t know I think those with Security Guard Cards who wear uniforms and stand out front of apartment complexes, shopping malls and grocers, homeless shelters, hospitals and so on–I believe to be directly responsible to or created by the Sheriff’s departments. I think.
These guys are the most vile and the most exploitive of their jobs. Fight Club again. One of them got fired years ago for harassing Me as I walked up a ramp to an apartment complex which had a multi-story garage. In that garage some of the floors were not occupied by vehicles. There wasn’t anything in there and some of us had found it and would hang out there when it rained or to get out of the heat.
Anyway, he came down the ramp barking like a rabid dog at My being there. He seemed to imply that I wasn’t to be talking to anyone there and that I wasn’t “supposed to be” there. But his demeanor was so nasty that two girls who saw the incident upstairs in the apartment complex called his supervisor who fired him. That is what they told Me as I walked by one day.
Anyway, the signal leak is this: The guys with the Security Guard Cards are now threatening to take your backpack which they know to have more materials in there which you use to run Sovrumano. The Sheriff wants that company very badly so he can sell whatever he can get for it. He knows you’re Christ. We know that you are Christ. But we are not going to stop.
And now the grand finale so I don’t take too much of your time today (I always try to make it worth your while. There is game theory and strategy in almost everything I post but you have to be sensitive to it. I don’t always point out what or where it is and I don’t teach everything I know.) and that is the threat of being shot by these people. For being a “problem”.
If you look at the second paragraph of this post on this page you will notice something that I said the cop threatened to do, the one who was hiding underneath the coffee table while working in a police station while I answered questions for the servicing officer–he said “I am going to shoot you.” Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve been threatened to be shot by police. It happens from time to time. I Am told that if I get “too powerful” that I Am to be shot. I’ve been assaulted hundreds of times for being too good-looking for his people. I have been “slowed down” hundreds of times for moving too fast “for his people”. I Am not allowed to become too wealthy or hard “for his people”. There are blacks who work to keep Me out of society and trapped “for their people”. It’s as if I’ve done something or pose some kind of existential threat to these losers when they’ve never been a consideration of Mine whatsoever nor at any time of My life. I didn’t even know they existed and upon learning of them couldn’t take it seriously until the day I did (recently) and the scale and volume of roaches in the house does make one quake with fear and revulsion.
After hundreds of years of assistance, hundreds of years of passing out meals, providing bedding, counseling, toiletries, clothing, transportation, hospice care, preaching, sermons, door-to-door ministries–we the Church–are still not being respected as we should be. When I say “we the Church” I Am not appropriating behavior from the Church nor the volunteers who work there tirelessly and selflessly for a vision of community that they want all people to live within as I Myself have 17 years of volunteer work with the Church under My belt.
It could be argued, I think, off-the-top-of-My-head, that the Christian Church has a lot to do with the emancipation of mankind out of the hells of slavery. I think–because I was not there at the time–that it is principally the Church and it’s proactive influence to be good–that has freed countless people, hundreds of billions of them, from slavery. I think that might be the case.
And I think the infiltration of our Churches by the Freemasons, by the blacks who work for the Freemasons and KKK, who really seek to undermine it so as to take it over, who work there to mislead people with grandiose sermons urging one to get saved or repent, etc., are a principal reason for the harbingers of slavery’s return being on the radar. At least here at Sovrumano. I don’t know what other intelligence agencies are publishing on this because I don’t have time to research it but I can tell you that slavery is on the increase here in America at a time when there should be no slavery whatsoever. It also seems to coincide with the decline of the Church and it’s integrity.
Did they make a mistake? Did taking prayer out of the schools make us immoral? No. But a proactive influence to immorality in the absence of on to morality can only lead to a corrupted culture, obviously. And who would dare do such a thing? Who would dare steal from Christ himself after His organization kept you AND YOUR FAMILY ALIVE for hundreds of years? Who is so desperate that they have no time for such considerations? No intellect for such considerations? It’s not the blacks, is it?
While this guys is dancing around Me, I tell him that I Am Christ. I know that probably won’t go over well and it doesn’t. I tell him that I’m national security. He says, “I don’t give a fuck.” And he doesn’t. But what’s funny to Me about this is that when he blows off My being Christ or NatSec he is emulating someone who can actually afford to blow off such a thing. Blacks can’t but he isn’t aware of what he is doing either. He can’t live without Christ. If I close off the breadline to him tomorrow (which I will if I can catch him) then My being Christ is suddenly very relevant and very important. The blacks and niggers at the Sheriff’s seem to take offense at “Me” becoming Christ as if I’ve done something that is not “allowed”. I’m supposed to be a “Mexican” and the blacks often taunt Me “well…you a mes-can and them mes-cans don’t run nuthin'” and so on.
It would be nice instead if we the larger communities outside of this bubble where degenerates run riot–this so-called police-state where they can murder and rob people with impunity–could hear something a lot more sensible as feedback from the Skid Row area as well as the cops who “rule” over it. Something like the Churches have identified him and barred him from the Missions and breadlines. Or, the police have tracked him down and recovered the smartphone. The blacks in the area know who did it and jumped him for it. Something like that would make a lot more sense. If I were a multi-millinaire Christian and I heard that the blacks around Skid Row did not have enough common-sense to show Christ deep respect upon seeing Him in the flesh, I would pull funding out of the Skid Row area IMMEDIATELY. Hopefully organization is coming to the Christian Church but I have so many things to do and I have no assistants to work with Me at the moment. This is because it makes Me “too powerful” for the miscreants. And there’s no consoling the inconsolable. His intuitions and innate fear of Me is probably not without it’s foundations. Not even a war-chest like he has, digital currency, weaponry, illegal networks, redacted news reports, technical expertise, psychotronics which allows mind-reading and assaults and murder from afar–are enough to sate his innate fear of Me. The woman who took My police report this morning when I pointed out to the Howdy-Doody fellah hiding underneath the coffee table while working in a police station who was hissing all of these death threats at Me that he was “obviously the one to rule over us. The guy hiding underneath the coffee table in a police station wearing a police uniform. That’s the guy everyone wants to rule over them.” He did look ridiculous at the time.
Outside I was greeted by sunlighrt and a black dude across the street who made loud banging sounds with his mouth as if shots fired from a gun and pantomimes of someone being shot. “You feeling okay?” I asked. You need to take your psych meds if you are not.”
-Christ Titus 卐
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