Strategy and the Failures of the Church Part 1


This post was originally made on another site and around Christmas of last year and is an approximation of an upcoming podcast of the same title.

January 11, 2024

This will be one of the few times that “Church business” will be discussed publicly by Myself or at least that is the intention of Myself, depending on what the matters at hand are. I don’t keep secrets from anyone but that doesn’t mean that all material is suitable for all audiences, obviously.

Eventually, I will be going around to varying places around Los Angeles to meet with pastors and congregation members.

I need to do this for different reasons. I need to make sure that everyone is on the same page. I need to make sure that no one is trapped. I need to make sure that no one is being targeted. I need to make sure that they know that I Am here and what the point of all of this is. I need to make sure that the pastor is acceptable, teaching them that Christ is here not in the sky and not witholding information from them that they need/want to know, such as that he is a satanist or that Genodcide Paraphernalia published by the police or army is often targeting them.

There are many things that need to be discussed and I will do My best to address them.

The Bible is over now. You don’t need it anymore. Christ is here. Why are you praying? You make Me sick.

The United States is over now. They keep the semblance of cogency so they can keep on killing and looting.

One of the miracles of My enlightenment and placement in homelessness is the revelation of this “fact”; that the USA has to be over for Me to be where I Am.

This is yet another bit overlooked by the congregation and the American people. They don’t see it’s significance. They don’t see what it has to do with themselves, unfortunately.

Some of the more vulgar among us who have depended on the Church and Christ for hundreds of years actually taunt Me as I walk by.

They say that I Am their “responsiblity” or that I Am in their “army” or that I Am their “business” or that they don’t want Me getting too “hard”. Meaning affluent again or attractive to white females that they wish were attracted to them.

When I say “churches” I don’t meant to leave out Buddhist temples or Islam or any other denomination of religeon. I don’t mean to leave out any foundations or Universities or hospitals or organizations that want a visit. I mean to get around to you as well.

The Overman is “christened” or “Chosen” as that is where we get the abbreviated word Christ, to teach and to supervise and to be lightbearer for all. That’s all of mankind, for every race and for every nation.

The Rumors are True!!

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime event to see Him in the flesh!!

Shows are selling out nationwide!!

Tickets are gonna go fast!!

Limited seating!!

Limited engagements!!

Operators are standing by–Call Now!!


This Christmas season I would like you to consider making a donation to Christ himself.

This is a rare and unprecedented opportunity for mankind, something that the nuanced can appreciate and enact; it’s rarity and specialness is lost on the vulgar who instead inspired themselves to jealousy and resentment.

I heard recently that a woman had received a death threat of being shot by sheriffs if she made a donation to Me.

And this is where I get justifiably angry of course, because I am on sidewalk and I am only One Person. And although I am Christ and the proper legal and moral authority here, I am at the moment in a Newtonian plane with its laws of cause and existence. For Christ to be powerful then Christ’s people must be powerful.

Is there anyone–is there any man woman or child to your left or to your right who is not indebted to Christ? No, there is not.

Is there anyone to your left or to your right who has not prayed for Him or beseeched Him, or asked for His help? No. There is not.

This is not knowledge I should have to delineate and carve out of you. This is something that should have been in the gut and something compelling you out of your chair–all of you.

When the sheriff says I am “allowed to shoot you” to Christ, the correct response is for 245 million Judeo-Christian Americans to stand up out of their chair and say “Oh no you’re not”.

And the barb of being “allowed to” actually comes from Myself originally, as I was attempting to dissuade someone in the breadline one day from sexual harassment. But the vulgar races immediately misunderstood what I said and construed it as volition via my ego, it wasn’t. The “allowance” is one of national security and self-defense and is actually by statute.

I Christ, Am allowed to shoot you.

By statute. Not by ego.

(Although technically Christ could do such a thing by ego and it be justified legally and morally but I have no desires to do that and I don’t have time to extrapolate the reasoning behind the ability to act from ego versus statue.)

You must understand that the failure of the potential of the Second Coming of Christ, in all of its extraordinary and wonderful extrapolations and permutations–is a failure in My opinion–but it is a failure with problems that are many faceted. It takes a lot of people to fail in order for something of such magnitude to fail.

Some people will point out that the Second Coming of Christ was not a failure whatsoever. In fact, if I had not done exactly what I did and had not the city of Los Angeles been doing exactly what it did, and had not homeless people and corrupt police officers done exactly what they did, then we wouldn’t have the fulfillment of every single necessary scripture in the Bible.

And this would be correct.

Yet I am not impressed with the fulfillment of the Bible as much as you might assume. I Am impressed with the lack of will by the people of America. I am impressed by their unpreparedness. I am impressed that although I have been here for 4 years now that some 85 to 90% of American people still do not know that I am here. I am impressed that pastors haven’t done one single thing to modify their speeches or sermons and prepare the people for Christ. I am impressed that many of them bury their head in the sand and simply hope this will go away or that they not be called upon to do anything differently than what they are habitually comfortable with doing.

In the meantime, the Genocide Paraphernalia is pumped out of the United States government at Judeo-Christian Americans 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and is unprecedented as a hate crime; an obvious one, a traceable one, and a prosecutable one–while people largely pretend that it isn’t there–and that their lives are not in danger by the U.S. Army.

The other facet to this problem is one that irritates me due to its tawdry nature and that is the behavior by the ***** races.

These people’s numbers have become so large and obscene that they literally have employment while disguised and costumed as police officers here in Los Angeles.

Due to their misindoctrination in tawdry, subversive material, such as the Left Hand Path and other templates by frustrated losers who found life-saving advice in terrorism, they now espouse the first step in their erection of a rationalization and a building–an edifice that they literally hide within, and engage in terrorism from: jealousy.

“We was jealous.” Says a ***** , as I walk by.

I didn’t ask and I don’t give a fuck.

What the moron purports to do is to explain to Me why a “sub-man” who is worth absolutely zero–a substandard-man who is unwanted by over 5 billion people on planet Earth, a *****r who is not welcome in Australia, Japan, Singapore, Hungary, Sweden, Russia, America, Mexico, or South America or China–is justified to raise his hand to Christ to see if he might be able to stop or slow Him down that he might sate his resentments over My potential in the marketplace!

Hey, nevermind everyone else’s investment here, boy. It’s nothing to mind at all.

And if this stuff isn’t enough to make you bolt upright, just consider the fact that the moron is actually weaponized by police officers who are of the exact same temperament and motivation.

They are literally uniforming and deputizing each other and using a multi-tiered approach to the exploitation, theft and murder of American citizens.

The “jealousy” is the first step in Freemasonry or Satanism.

The next facet to this problem is a lack of empathy. I realize recently that we must have turned a corner on the churning. Because today you cannot download an app from any company without seeing some markers of Genocide Paraphernalia or hate speech or Freemasonry in its material.

And things were not like that very, very, recently.

The key here is to have empathy for the plight of other people–not complacency that you yourself are going to be okay.

Personally I need no such exercises. Both my father and my mother were likely tortured and then killed back in Phoenix Arizona for being Judeo-christian people. They were likely tortured off-and-on throughout their lives, without My recognizing it, due to the innocuous nature of psychotronics and its ability to disguise itself as a real disease. Furthermore, I am tortured on a daily basis using this technology. Police deny any involvement or knowledge of such technology.

Now then comes the issue, Do we do something about this collectively or do we pretend that the problem is not there?

Due to the unpreparedness and dense nature of the congregation they probably look at me and say, I thought you were supposed to save us!

And this would be correct and it would still be correct–for you do not understand what it means for Christ to be here in the flesh!

Today the church is disorganized into myriads of separate pieces–pieces who do not know one another and pieces that do not reach out to each other.

Contrast this with the U.S. Army and notice that they have a doctrine of “unity of purpose, unity of mission and unity of command”. So advanced are they that they can communicate to one another brain-to-brain in the same room with you at the same time without moving a finger, without blinking an eye, without wearing a wire.

But you–you don’t even know the telephone number of the congregation just seven blocks away!

But you should have, and you certainly should have by now. For the arrival of the Second Coming of Christ should have been news that you could not contain within yourself no matter what police say.

And if that had happened then churches would have been networked together for the very first time in their lives.

A Unity of Purpose would have emerged and a new role for pastors as something other than the sappy that they tend towards would have emerged and a real executive function for them, would have taken place.

Yes, you would have learned what the power of 245 million Judeo-Christian people moving as one feels like–IT FEELS LIKE THE LORD IS HERE!!!

To move for Christ is to move for ourselves!!!

There is your savior, you idiot! There is your savior, you jackass! And there is your savior, you dedicated one!

Instead you will change no matter or manner of your routine. Today it’s the same routine of your life and the same Sunday sermon of your life and the same Monday night of your life but your enemy creeps inch by irrevocable inch for your throat.

What the people and those disinclined to metaphysics cannot see and cannot know and cannot surmise is that Christ is here–He’s here in the flesh, and He is at this moment in position–an unprecedented position to “defeat” the Great Beast 666. But where the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing at a moment like this?

To think that people all over the world are dependent upon Him, and if they are dependent upon Me, then they must be by extension dependent upon the congregation. For the congregation and Christ are inseparable; they are two pieces of the same whole. You were baptized for this purpose in life and you are baptized for this purpose only; this is your calling to action.

For the pastors and the churchgoer not to see this obvious strategy, this is a failure of the church and a flagrant one.

The lives affected and at stake number in the billions and this is unacceptable.


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