The Generation That Understood 

“I see you ain’t giving out no autographs.”

“No, white girls Titus.”

“Well, he was making us jealous.”

“The p****y you guys are getting was killing us.”

“Hell yeah I’m happy He doesn’t have His baby face anymore.”

“He’ll never know why He was such a catch to our people.”

“You should see our strategy.”

When Jesus comes back, He loses!”


Damn. Ow.

What the hell is going on here at My site? Have I lost My mind? Am I awash in egomania? No. It’s just a random sampling of comments made at Me by blacks around the downtown Los Angeles area.

Ultimately the behavior of a very small minority of people here in Los Angeles appear to be in a position such that they could really effect billions of people worldwide for the worse. And this is what provokes Me to shine a bright light on their behavior so that everyone together is aware of what the potential stakes are from My perspective and from My executive position. These idiots are caught up in heady dreams of making and profiting from making “movies” about Myself such that a larger picture–with more lives and of more importance–is occluded from their sight and consideration.

Now then, the comments from the blacks that you see above are not necessarily their own idea. How do I know? Well, if you have 25 blacks per day who harass you–and I have far more than that–and if they are all saying the same thing, then it stands to reason that there is an operator somewhere telling them what to say. That’s the first thing that I notice and believe likely true. Even when people are all of the same campaign, say, Republican–they don’t articulate support for the cause using the same language verbatim. So it smacks of an operator somewhere.

Second, some have actually said so. That helps, eh?

A nigger ran off with My smartphone recently and as I was trying to persuade him to give the phone back–he’s dancing around Me in circles as I have three heavy bags on My shoulders and Am fatigued–he says, “The Sheriff’s told us to call you “faggot”; to slow you down. To take yo stuff from you.”
By the way, if you should happen to work for the Sheriff doing the aforementioned work for them, (calling strangers “faggot” or stealing electronics or slowing them down) you don’t’ needed to make apologies when doing your work stealing or assaulting unless you really want to.

As I have said before “I Am authorized to shoot you if you cause Me problems.”

This statement has been mouthed back to Me by blacks who attempt to achieve My stature or authority. This is actually a part of their freemasonry. The difference is that My ability to fire on a person is by statute. Their claim on My ability to is by resentment or jealousy.

Are you ready to bail on this post? Me too!

But I have a few things I’ll try to say as succinctly as I can and it’s not regarding Myself or the comments above it is about what they imply. They imply that black people along with the Sheriff’s who controls them are willing to trade the Second Coming of Christ for themselves and possibly for everyone else worldwide without so much as being members of a Church.
Although they do use our services frequently.
Because of this subconscious leak, I have to address this and there needs to be a permanent record of it in the event that something should happen to Myself, okay?

You understand now that what you were reading at the outset of this article was not Me making self-aggrandizing comments about Myself but quoting someone who thought of Me as more talented or lucky then themselves., What you were reading were the rationalizations of people here in downtown Los Angeles who are attempting to justify their hate crimes and violative acts against Myself and My agency. This in turn effects the Christian-Moslem-Buddhist-Jewish-Hindu and secular noblemen and women worldwide who have economic and social agendas tied up here.

The Generation that Understood 

Do you remember it? Of course you do. Especially if you live here in the USA. I was in Phoenix at the time and I think the Chicago Bulls were in the playoffs at the time. I remember seeing Spike Lee claim that what happened today, the verdict for the acquittal of the officers charged with brutality against Mr. King, was to set off a bomb. Because, he said, the people of Los Angeles have had it. He said that they would not put up with this anymore.
And he was right. Later that very evening people began to pour into the streets. Angry protests started. The crashing of windows and doors. The rioting and the fires started. Fires started in many buildings around Los Angeles. The buildings were soon black and black smoke billowed into the air. Street lights were not lighting the sidewalks or the streets. A state of emergency was declared for the city of Los Angeles and President Bush sent our own military into the area to get it back under control of the government.

Rodney King, who had been beaten by police during a traffic stop, was asked not to appear on TV for fear of the residual bruises on his person inciting more violence and looting.
That isn’t the total story but just a snapshot of it. And it’s relevant to us, to you and to I because the “people of Los Angeles did something remarkably smart that evening but it wasn’t necessarily the rioting. It was the betrayal of intelligent, systemic thinking.

When those people rioted for Rodney King and the beating that he had taken, they were rioting for themselves. If you look closely at the comments made by Spike Lee you will see that, to the best of My memory, he made a remark that “the people of Los Angeles were fed up with this”. Do you see? This isn’t just about Rodney King. This is about all of us; what the police are doing. What the police are doing to all of us.
To. All. Of. Us.
Now then, this current generation of people in Los Angeles are not like the last generation.

“”I see you ain’t signing no autographs.”

“”We said, No white girls, right fellas?”

You are standing in My shoes looking through My eyes at a black dude in downtown Los Angeles.

“”I advise you to move.”

“Is He still makin’ y’all jealous?”

Remember that these people know that I Am Christ…

“”“When Christ returns” said two blacks who literally picked up lunch ahead of Me in the breadline, “”He loses.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks for your support and for supporting us when the whole world was against us, just we did for you when you were enslaved.

And just today I was asked to leave the library for the next 30 days The reason is due to my violent mouth that I use when defending Myself from threats of assault by other patrons at the library.

As we were walking out, I stopped to use the restroom. One of the police officers began covertly talking to Me through another officer’s walkie-talkie.

He said “”They are taking their sweet time about getting to you.”

I Am in a restroom stall. “”Getting to me for what?” I said.

““To torture you.”

“”Torture Me for what?” I snapped while handling My hygiene.

He said, “”For making them jealous.””

The toilet flushes.

And if this bald admission isn’t enough nonsense for you it was doubled-down upon by a female officer’s voice that now crackled through the walkie-talkie, “”Dark-skinned people are not to make our people jealous. It is forbidden.” she said.

“”It’s a miscopied gene. You’re the one who is not actually white, idiot.”

Why Christ. Why now. Why me?

So here’s what I want to draw your attention to–it is the fact that when you look carefully over what has been stated by the people who have a problem with Me You will notice that the problem is grounded in the ego. It is grounded in a resentment And a supposed jealousy.

That is sometimes not honest but nonetheless cited as a reason for a point of contention with My day-to-day activities and remarkably, it is their justification for the terrorism of Christians and others here in the United States. The Los Angeles Police Department and the blacks are in conspiracy–literally destroying a business with huge potential and a Person sought for all over the world–because they are afraid that I will end up driving a Porsche with a Caucasian girlfriend in the passenger seat if I Am not stopped. Consideration of the billions of people worldwide or the money donated to fund a vision of a noble society filled with noble behavior and noble people is not a factor in their considerations whatsoever.

Apparently the Second Coming of Christ is a Skid Row event in downtown Los Angeles that the police “”own” not a global event funded by mankind and “owned” by mankind.
So before this gets anymore off center or has any more legs underneath it, I wanted to clear up some things so that everyone is thinking and on the same page.


The Bible was distributed to us with the New Testament attached to it, about 500 years ago. Yes, records vary and many records are falsified but this is the best guess that I can get.

Since that point in time the Bible has been distributed worldwide and new practices have begun, including the donations that are made for the purpose of creating a noble society. Today the distribution of food and other resources has been done with such disregard for qualification or knowledge of who the recipients are that many people are under the impression that the purpose of the Church is to simply give food stuffs away. That isn’t accurate.

The giving is inspired by a scripture from the Bible where Jesus admonishes His followers to take care of one another. They are to take care of their elderly and the “”least amongst themselves”. That would mean those who don’t have the same talent as the more able-bodied. And that they are to do this until His return.

The purpose was not to lose sight of who you are contributing to. And it certainly was not to give your resources away to your enemies.

Both the blacks and the Los Angeles Police Department are very well aware that I Am Christ. And to work against Me is to work against the Church.

But they don’t care.

What they do care very much about is a lifestyle that they believe should be reserved for people with albinism.

As if the lifestyle itself is a zero-sum game. A resource that only so many people can have. Therefore they wage a covert terror against people who have the talent to acquire or mature into it.

This is obviously incorrect and an anachronistic fear from their own past.

Over the course of those last 500 years if you were to take into consideration all of the people alive worldwide who have lived and died, how much money do you suppose has been donated or funded a contribution to a church, a synagogue, a museum, a foundation, a college–with the idea of making the world a better and a safer place?

I personally put the estimate at about 2,000 trillion dollars. But I have heard rumor that the number is actually closer to 900 trillion dollars. Fine. We’ll use that figure.

So my question to you is this, How much money have you personally donated to a church or a charity to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves? What is the dollar amount that you would guess that you have contributed?
Let us say that it is ten thousand dollars.

Does a person who has made a ten thousand dollar contribution to a $900 trillion dollar pot have a vote that should outweigh the interests or votes that the other contributors have made that comprise the remaining 900 trillion dollar total? Obviously not.

And yet what these police officers and their black friends purport to do is to declare an “”ownership” of Myself and My work while simultaneously making death threats to Christians for going anywhere near Me.

Remember this is a Christian’s surprise party; their unexpected return on investment.

Those with the most time and experience spent with Me in My nervous system against My will are actually police officers and by extension those who work for them and are gifted psychotronics with which to surveil and to steal and to eavesdrop. This is not a hate crime against Me this is a jealousy of the traits that I have and their hope to assume them by way of assume with Me.

Even if you were to collect the acts of the police officers together into one group and calculate the contributions that they have made over the last 500 years you will still find that it does not amount to a dime once you compare it to the remaining balance of contributions made by people worldwide. Therefore you know that police have no voting rights or control that should come before the interest of the collective group of contributors worldwide.


This one should be self-explanatory enough. How many people do you think have lived and died over the last 500 years worldwide?

Do you have any idea? How many do you suppose have lived and died just in the United States?

It’s billions of people in the United States alone.
Worldwide it’s tens of billions.

Wanna put your vote against theirs?

Do you educated people at the Los Angeles Police Department and their black friends honestly expect the rest of us to accept the fact that they you are putting your desire to make “movies”–or to keep Me from being married to someone Caucasian, or to boast that you caused Him to “miss out” (this actually false, btw. Operation Birddog is 21 years old this January 2025), or to follow Him around learning how to speak and behave yourselves, or His being half Latino–is something more important than the vision that we are attempting to fund?

The right to know of a return on the investment of faith and good behavior and donations makes the arrival of Christ a global event and the property of mankind worldwide.

In other words everyone has a human right to the knowledge of the event.
It does not, nor can it, belong to a police department or even the United States. Today that would mean pitting 350M against 7B people and you still lose by a huge margin.

And this brings Me to my next point.

The Laws

I have overheard it said before that the FBI regardec Me as a security breach.

If I can go on TV and prove that I Am Who I say I Am then we suddenly have everyone listening to Christ instead of the President of the United States. Or so it is thought.

I have responded to this by stating that if this is true then the invocations and incantations for Me would be a security breach as well.

Now then, the law places restrictions on warfare. For example It is illegal to make the clergy a target of your warfare. And it’s also illegal to make foundations or charities or churches a target of your warfare as well.

I noticed that there are no statutes or provisions for Christ himself should He happen to be here. But I think it’s safe to say that the spirit of the law would certainly provide protection for Him no matter where in the world He might be. And wouldn’t that be fitting given the number of lives that have been saved on every continent on this planet because of His words?

Granted, I am not Jesus Christ I am Titus Christ.

I Am the one true Christ foretold of to arrive during the “”end times””. But I do not appropriate when I say that “”we” have saved your life. I have 17 years of volunteer work with the church and I know what it’s like to be on that side of the table.

Finally we have statutes against the harm of cultural property. And this is something that would likely apply to Myself as well.

Cultural property means something of significance–usually religious–that belongs to the culture or society of people who have created it. It’s usually something like a landmark or a statuary that is of some significance.

In action what this means is that you cannot hit the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro with your F-150 fighter plane but police would have you believe that you can hit the actual Christ here in downtown Los Angeles in the back of the head (or buttocks) anytime you want to, if that’s what you feel like doing.

Do you see the difference in values between people with higher education and a neocortex versus those with blue collar backgrounds and fears and resentments of missing out on a white man’s lifestyle that they define as something belonging to a white man?
I am not doing anything wrong as a Man fulfilling his potential. Problems are in the miseducations and expectations and indoctrinations of Supremacists who are hammering at the world around them trying to make it a static picture. The world is not static, it is organic.

And as such it is constantly in a state of motion and flux.



Some people say that I am the wealthiest person in the world right now. That I have beaten Jeff Bezos to trillionaire.

Some people say that I have more followers and advocates than anyone else in the world. That they number in the billions.

Some people say I am the most sought after person in world history.

I already knew this a long time ago.

I also knew at the time of my Enlightenment some five years ago, that I was in a bit of danger. That most people would not believe the story and those people wouldn’t pose much of a problem. This was before I discovered the fulfillment of Matthew 24 and parts of Revelation such that it confirmed what I had already proclaimed–that I Am Christ. But those who did believe My story of Enlightenment or authenticated it themselves, they could become a potential problem.

And this has become true. Unfortunately.

Would you believe me if I told you that five years ago the most enthusiastic supporters behind my Enlightenment was none other than the Los Angeles Police Department? It’s true.

I even wrote a post about it on the old website where I thanked those who had baptized or christened their children after Sovrumano. And I suppose that maybe the reason for the police being some of the first to be enthusiastic about this Enlightenment is because they were the ones with the psychotronics to see things firsthand and to know them to be real.

So what has happened in the meantime?

What has happened in the meantime is that a religious doctrine that inspires one to covet and to be jealous and to make a bid for supremacy (Which is not to be confused with superiority) is taking precedence over lucid, educated, lawful and moral thinking.

And I have to stop for a second here and say I really don’t like posting this kind of thing (the last paragraph) because I don’t like getting confused with a goody-two shoe. I Am the way that I Am because I need to be that way for the job that I have. 

My enlightenment is not like winning the lottery or holding a ticket when playing Bingo. You have to have my attractions and my aversions to get the door to open for you. Additionally you need to be at the right place at the right time.

Does this mean that you should try to be like Me? No, it doesn’t.

Nor do I represent another religion or set of dietary practices. Etc.

What you do however is you find good examples for yourself in various categories and you learn what you can from them and then you go do the best that you can. That’s a good life and it’s a life of honesty with yourself.

“”I Am What I Am” is one of the most important statements ever made, some say. I too make the statement about Myself at some people at opportune times.

Why? Because you don’t understand the significance of my being here.

I have had people say to Me “”I know who you are, you are Christ.”

And I looked at this person carefully for a moment or two and discerned that he did not understand it fully. And I said to him, “”No I don’t think you get it yet.”

“”Why not?”” he asked.

“”Because your hands are not shaking.””

Because you, dear reader of this article I have posted still do not understand the mathematical possibilities of Matthew 24 being called out some 500 years or so before they were discovered to occur.

Because you don’t understand the odds of the prophecies having occurred and then having someone find that evidence. Given the way that they occurred it is entirely impossible that they could have come and gone without the entire world noticing had they not been informed of it by Myself.

It is a synchronicity not a coincidence to discover that the one who found them fulfilled is none other than the One who they are referring to. And I don’t think you know what the chances of this is either,

It’s important to realize that I made this proclamation of being Christ before I found the evidence to support it not afterwards.

And I told you how this is similar to the dreams interpreted by Joseph for Pharaoh* recorded in the Bible. This impressed Pharaoh so much that he gave Joseph a promotion to become one of his generals.

But you should know that Joseph, at first, was a captive of Pharaoh’s. And the reason for his captivity is because he was sold into slavery by his family. His family was in part jealous of his attractiveness.

You should know that I was tricked into Operation Birddog which I still remain trapped by to this day, in part by my family.

You should know that Joseph was accused of raping a woman–which he had not–and fearing for his life, he took off running. You should know that I too, was accused of a rape which I was not guilty of and I took off running for my life through several cities and states over several years.

Now I want you to ask yourself, What are the odds of these two biographies having these parallels? How many parallels with these major events of their lives do you have?

Maybe you have butterflies in your stomach now. Maybe you think this is going somewhere but you’re not sure where.

It was said of Jesus that He knew he was marked for death; for sacrifice.

I have a slight asymmetry in my eyes when I Am tired and I have an asymmetry in my smile. These are significant because they are the non-verbal signs of being marked for sacrifice according to occultists if you look at their propaganda.

If that’s not convincing enough then you should know that there are rumors that I am being targeted as as a victim for genocide because my heritage is of people who got themselves free of slavery from the whites of America (Who are Jews) a couple hundred years ago. At other times people say it is because I was born and raised Christian. And for being a sincere Christian at the time I practiced Christian fundamentalism. Still others imply that race is the motive and that My being half African and half Latino is the real motivation behind the attacks on my person. No matter how you slice it they are going to say that it appears to occultists that I Am marked one way or another for sacrifice.

What are you supposed the odds of this are? (As a quick aside I want to tell you that under no circumstances is Christ Titus to be sacrificed. The reasons why I don’t have time to delineate here.)

It was said of Jesus that when he got up to speak that the crowd marveled at his knowledge and wondered where he got such expertise from when he had such little training.

Within the first three and a half years or so of creating Sovrumano., I have made breakthroughs in several categories–from history to game theory to criminology–such that I have put myself on the front page of the newspaper some seven or eight times.

When Jesus returned from making trades of goods with people outside the city of Jerusalem, He did so riding on the back of a donkey. And when the crowd saw him returning, they broke out in applause happy for His return. The Roman guards at the time according to the Bible saw this and made the crowd stop the applauding.

About four years ago when I used to walk Fifth Street to go to the library I would walk through an area where there are a lot of Latino shops. And when I did so, they would occasionally break out in applause, happy to see Me going to work. The police department saw this going on and stopped it.

In the Bible there is a scripture where the people who have betrayed Jesus are walking alongside him and are trying to persuade Him to keep Him from kicking them out They say to him “””Lord did we not work for you? Lord did we not kick out demons in your name?”” Jesus looks at them and says “”Truky I say unto you I do not know you. Get away from Me you workers of lawlessness.”

Already blacks have been discovered attempting to get Me enslaved by the police-cults who are working to bring slavery back to America. This is a betrayal of the Christian church who has worked tirelessly and at a great expense–several Billions of dollars–to get the African-American free and treated as an equal. I have identified blacks who are playing both sides and told him that they will be kicked out. Many of them imply that we have “”a relationship” that we are in. I have told them “”I literally do not know you. I have never learned your name, met you or had any past business with you.”

In the book of Matthew chapter 24 Jesus says the “”Arrival of Christ will happen when you don’t expect it to. Therefore keep on the watch.” And sure enough, I arrive and discover no one ready for anything whatsoever. The church is in such a poor state of affairs that it cannot even mount a public response or protest to the wrongful detainment of Christ himself despite waiting for Him for hundreds of years; despite the impossibility of His being here now since He wasn’t here the first time. Jesus is actually the Buddha. And Christ’s words actually can be found stated first in Buddhist sutras.

It is said in the Bible that when Jesus arrives that he will expose Christendom, defeat the Great Beast 666, And deliver His people. It says that all will be revealed as well as the identity of the devil.

As a result of my Enlightenment we know which churches are actually in support of the Second Coming of Christ and which actually work for the police-cults. We know that some pastors are stalling their congregations so that they are not prepared when they are attacked.

As a result of my enlightenment we know that the federal government can now be ruled corrupt and a terrorist of Americans. And the Constitution of the United States to also be ignored thus negating the country as a morally cogent and safe place. I was the one to identify Genocide Paraphernalia as material published boasting of the genocide Of Americans and written by Americans.

As a result of my Enlightenment the identification of Israel is known to be the Great Beast 666 together with United States Army. This may have been none or published by other authors before, but it is something that I have confirmed with my own research.

Furthermore the true identity of the devil is the black man.

After looking over the so-called religion of Freemasonry and identifying its tenets, it’s values, its goals and it’s mode of operating to achieve these goals–it is beyond the shadow of a doubt nothing more than the delineation and idolatry of a black man’s psychological profile.

Furthermore before the end of the day it will be discovered that the federal government is passing out equipment to some citizens but not others, that gives one the ability to read minds or to touch or affect others even if they be on the opposite side of the Earth from themselves. Passing out this equipment destroys any civil or constitutional rights that a citizen might be guaranteed. It also jeopardizes the safety of the individual physically and economically. All confidential conversations with attorneys or physicians or negotiations in business are now liminal to your competition and complete strangers.

It will be discovered that the federal government works to bring slavery back and does so covertly.

It will be known that the federal and state government to be complicit or guilty in numerous nefarious activities–from prostitution to drug dealing to murder. It can also be discerned that this was a long-term plan hatched decades or hundreds of years ago; That it takes tedious planning and monitoring to bring this about over the course of decades.

In other words your federal government works for the failure of the United States of America so that it can bring about its own police state and keep the American people captured within it and with no one to call for help or assistance as they occupy all offices globally now.

To be Christ you have to have the Christ Consciousness.

You also have to be at the right place at the right time.

You have to understand Why I am Here.

You have to understand why I can be authenticated by any student and that Christ and Joseph are not the only to figures that I have commonality with. I have commonality with Abraham, Job, Joseph, Samson, David, Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu-Krisha-Kali, the Bhagavad Gita, Jungian Synchronicities, Mohammed (if it’s true He issued orders from prison), Hollywood’s Prodigal Son, and possibly more. You must understand that the average person cannot find very many-if any– parallels with some of these characters. You must understand that many of these stories are actually fictions! You must understand that I am not Jewish and have never practiced Judaism! You must understand that the odds of a human being having significant commonality with so many different persons–fictional and real–is a terrible anomaly.

You must understand that according to the charts that Israel uses, I Am supposed to be on the bottom, subject to them. But the truth of the matter is that I belong at the top. I am the king according to their own prophets and the billions of people who vote for Me worldwide.

You must understand that this exposes Israel as a hypocrite when sending the world onto its knees to pray for the Messiah.

You are sent on to your knees to pray for the Messiah because there is no chance of the Messiah ever showing up to save you. He was not here to begin with. Israel taught fictions as if they were actual histories and deceived us.

Furthermore if Israel planned on playing the devil and knew that incantations for Christ would actually invoke His appearance and their destruction, then certainly they would never send you onto your knees to pray for Him.

You must know that the timing of My arrival and My Enlightenment to be a preternatural event and the only one of its kind we know of, I believe. If my Enlightenment had occurred 10 years earlier or 10 years later from the date that it actually did, we would not likely have the resulting materials published.

You must understand that Jesus was called the “”Great Teacher” and that my principal role here is to teach you. If benefits were tied to My life or My being alive then the benefits would cease upon My death.

You must know that there is no reason to keep people quiet about a genocide or the distribution of psychotronics or the occupation of all offices that perform the checks and balances on the government and police work unless you are up to something or planning something. And you must know that I personally believe this to be one final great act of genocide by Israel against people they regard as enemies. Yes there is an ongoing genocide in America right now but what I Am referring to is what might be called “”the final solution”” after Adolf Hitler.

You must know that the pursuit of my disentanglement from this illegal detainment is something I would be pursuing whether I be Christ or not You must know that I would always work to get the Christian people free of any harm If I could do so. And that I would do so whether I was Christ or not. It does not make any difference in My behavior. That is who I was raised by and I know ourselves to be economically and sociologically proving to be engaged in the right behavior.

You must know that Christianity is not really a religion. And that the appearance of Christ is not really a religious event. You must know that Christianity is nothing more then the emulation a Noble Man by those who seek to acquire his traits And by those who want to live within a community Of like-minded people for their personal safety as well as a rejection of a more base or primitive society.

You must know that there is more evidence and more that I could post here but in the interest of conserving your time and mine I will stop here.

I want you to know that I have published some of this material before in different places. You have to know that I already know that I have myriad of followers and so much wealth. I have people who have bowed before Me and people who have sang praises for My arrival. You must know that these people are loved and appreciated by me And you must know that despite all of these things that I acquire as a result of the role that I have inherited as lord and Christ that I Am very well aware that the purpose for inheriting these things is not for My self-aggrandizement but it is for the purpose of ruling and for our collective safety.

When people curtsy or bow before Me, I smile.

I smile because someone gets it.

This isn’t about Me. This is about us. I have no illusions about that. And I don’t have any inclinations to egomania either. I am not to be confused with a dead fish. I do have an ego and I do have confidence. I do like women and I do fight I party sometimes.


The worries of the Los Angeles Police Department And the blacks Who are worried that I’m going to enjoy my lifespan or have a good time putting on seminars, traveling around the world, or that I’m going to end up with a Caucasian wife or that they will be disappointed that they did not keep their agreements with themselves to hold Me down– you must know that these are tawdry concerns that die when they do and hopefully what I have impressed upon you has started to make your hand shake. It takes time to contemplate the Enlightenment and its implications. No one understands the full scale of it from just one reading. And I have not disclosed to you all of its points.

You must understand that Israel accidentally created a schism in the ether that was not there before. They created a dividing line among the lawful and the unlawful. And you must know that one side of this fulcrum has become so heavy that it has provoked a metaphysical response to rebalance itself.m This event though metaphysical and rare, is in absolute terms, not so rare at all. You see it in all designs by Nature and by man.

Prior to this point in time and My pointing it out no one ever knew that you could–possibly– create an arbitrary schism and if left alone long enough, that somehow and in some way Nature would attempt to rebalance it What makes this even more astonishing is the prediction by the prophets who said it would be so.

Without understanding the full scale of The Enlightenment or the people at stake or the winding of its history through so many billions of lives who have funded it and prayed for it you cannot understand how unimportant the concerns are of a blue collar-worker hiding in a police station attempting to pass out orders to Latinos while hiding underneath a coffee table. 

You can’t understand how pathetic or transient their concerns are. You can’t understand how important it is to a loser to acquire things that he cannot otherwise get And how these opportunities don’t come along very often for losers. And so when they do, they are willing to risk more or to dare more to get them. I have seen men commit suicide before they stooped to the lows that some police do so that they can sleep with young white girls or to acquire money. What you must understand is that these people are willing to torch the efforts by all of these people worldwide for the sake of a vanity. And that vanity is making sure that I am not becoming “”too hard”.

The people who rioted for Rodney King were rioting for him but also for themselves. Of this there is no doubt,

Unfortunately today the psychology has changed. And instead people are concerned with what I might get as a result of getting free.

These concerned people even know that I am the Messiah.

But somehow that is not important to them.

Despite saving their lives on a daily basis, they still threaten Mine on a daily basis–even while chewing My food in-between their teeth.

They are complacent and confident that the Great Beast 666 will prevail.

I am not to here to say that it will not

What I am here to do is to make every effort that I can so that the noblemen and the noblewomen find safety. I don’t want to hear that we are being cut down for being exactly what we were raised to be by Israel. Israel is responsible for the Bible, remember?


I want to say to you I am not here to incite violence.

I want to tell you that any decisions that you make to kinetic action in an effort to defend yourself is something that you do at your own discretion.

I Am not here to lead you into a situation similar to that of Falun Gong in China.

What they were doing was a Tai-Chi dance in the mornings that was near the governor’s mansion. And their movement started to grow into very large crowds and the governor began to feel threatened by these large crowds although their protests were peaceful. Still the governor asked them to stop. And they refused. They made the statement that they were well within their rights to practice Tai Chi as well as to make protests non-Verbally or verbally.

What happened next shocked the world and I don’t believe had ever happened in China before. The governor suddenly started having these Falun Gong practitioners arrested and then brought into the jails and the hospitals. There, they were suddenly butchered without anesthesia.

They’re organs were put on auction. Falun Gong practitioners did not drink or smoke and so their organs had more value. Interestingly these people also self-identified as an Aryan race. So do I. My first name actually means Aryan or “of noble title” and “”an Honorable One”” such as z judge or leader. I have been addressed as Aryan my whole life and I did not know this until after my enlightenment The Buddha was often addressed as “”Noble one” or “”Honorable one” if you read the sutras.

This is another Jungian synchronicity. As I stated before I have not covered all of the points of the Enlightenment.

For those of you unfamiliar, Israel has a reputation and/or history supposedly of eating the organs of human beings as well as purchasing them. Some of the organs that were sold belonging to the Falun Gong pratitioners were purchased by people who flew in from Israel.

Personally I believe Israelites to be in a state of devotion to the animal, the hyena. I believe they seek to copy it’s viciousness and clan-style of hunting.

You have the governor of China doing something that Chinese officials have never done before to the Chinese people in its history. And if it did this because of the control or influence of Israel then how much more so could we find ourselves in trouble here in the United States if they should suddenly do something that they have never done before? 

Have you ever seen police behaving the way that they currently do? Have you ever known them to push 21,000 stools out of a man’s ass over the course of 20 years? Have you ever known them to have the authority, as police officers, to destroy billions of dollars worth of investments or potential benefits that belong to the American people? Have you ever known them to have the ability to detain someone such as Myself indefinitely–right in front of the American people and have no one say or do anything about it?

Have you ever seen the news media unable to cover one of the largest stories if not the largest story in news media history because the feds supposedly regard the arrival of Christ as a potential threat? Did you realize that they would regard it as a potential threat?

Have you noticed genocide paraphernalia in the pop media that you watch? Did you notice it before I pointed it out to you? Have you noticed that there is more of it or less of it? Why do you suppose that is?

So you don’t have to inform me about the potential risks of leading a large group of people to confront the United States government or Israel. I don’t seek confrontations with them. I really hope to find some resolution to the doctrines that they practice that lead them to attack innocent people. Even people that they themselves raised to be the way that they are.

However if it becomes clear that no resolution or human rights will be respected, then of course people are free to take whatever actions they want to. They won’t have anything to lose. Well these people will defeat the great Beast 666 Probably not but that’s not the best way to look at it either When one is hopelessly overmatched by their opponent Then you do not judge them according to a win or a loss but you judge them according to the execution of the best options available to them and their success at performing them. This we call, the Right Fight To fight The Right Fight, the noble fight.

And you must never forget those people who fight the right fight Because it is only for their past actions in our histories that we are alive and safe today and free of slavery. I will tell you candidly that one of the most infuriating things to me is the lack of will and fight among our people. 

The stakes have never been higher.

In the past a person would walk past you with chains around the wrists and on their ankles and you knew that person was enslaved. 

But today a 16 year old girl could theoretically walk past you who is a prostitute but does not want to be one. She was chosen to be by “”the powers that be” and they chose her because of her ancestry.

Remember what I told you earlier about losers and their determination to make sure that they don’t miss out on anything; the extremes that some of them are willing to go to accomplish this.

Again I don’t want you to get me wrong. I am not trying to be a party-pooper or anything like that. I am trying to impress upon you the fact that once such a state is established that there is no overturning it. There is no one to call for help as all phones are answered by your antagonist.

Do you see how unimportant the concerns of the blacks and the police are now? Do you see how important your time is and that you do not get distracted? And that they work full time to keep you distracted? Do you understand They distract you because how you spend your time is important. 

No matter how many times I say “”prayer is over” or “”the Bible is over” and “”the United States is over” the pastor still takes to the stage to make the same speeches that they made last week. This is not the time for that I have been here for five years now You are supposed to have a law degree by now. Or a bachelor’s in game theory.

If you found a Church of 200 people that had taken an envelope and postage stamp and mailed a protest of my illegal detainment by the police to the U.S attorney general or some other authority–I would be impressed–but I don’t think you’ll find it. I think what you will find is that they are in there singing and clapping again. This is not the time for that.

You have to make moves before–not after–you discover that you cannot hire an attorney or find a job due to harassment or discrimination or genocide for your ancestry or inclination to honorable behavior.

Nobody in the church and none of these pastors seem to know what to do regarding My arrival. And for this reason I don’t have any expectations for a confrontation with United States if there were one. It’s due to all of these Quarterpounders with Cheese that I have on my team.

My faith is not in you. My faith is in Me.

And you have 100 million people acting as one, don’t you pastor ? And you did call one another and unite the Church accidentally, did you not? You would have the Messiah out of his illegal custody, correct? And in the process you would have learned something about trafficking. About how to free yourselves and defend yourselves. About how to leverage your voices as ND numbers for your human rights. And you would have saved your savior! The compliments are obvious and so is the poetry–it’s beautiful!

After having your life saved for some 500 years by His words–every member of your family for generations–you were compelled out of your chair even against your will, even despite yourself, at the site of Christ the Lord being illegally detained. You were moved and you moved as one. And without realizing it after having gotten Him free you realize that you just might have gotten yourself free. That you’re saving of Him was actually the saving of yourself.

That’s a wonderful story and it would be wonderful if things actually went that way.

Today there is no potential of it happening.

Pastors And congregations don’t know what to do or they want to take issue with My person, My ego and the parts of it that do not fit with preconceived ideas which are informed by poetry and descriptions of Jesus or the Buddha in their glorified depictions.

My congruency as your Savior is so complete that even if I never said a word to you but you knew of My story–a sharp person would be able to intuit that there is trouble just up ahead if circumstances that facilitate His illegal detainment are expanding.

And the truth of the matter is that they are expanding. And the truth of the matter is that there is no reason for them to  expand unless you are planning to do something to people and you don’t want them to have recourse when you do it.

And that could mean anything from genocide to people who discover that from now on they will be slaves or subject to the albinos around them.

Previous generations immediately picked up arms to defend themselves from this kind of government oppression and threat of this kind of oppression is unique and is far more insidious and dangerous than the slavery of the past. Slaves of the past had a chance of getting an attorney; to represent them. Sometimes they had a church to save them or to feed them or to teach them to read. Or maybe to shew them to the next town. To run there and to follow the train tracks there. To meet with the pastor there and he will help you.

The decline of the church and the increase in slavery prostitution and pedophilia are not correlative or incidental but causal.

The arrival of Christ is not by accident but it is a serendipitous event.

It was prophesied to happen but did not happen because it was prophesied to.

Very few people will understand this the first time nor will they understand the mathematics behind it at a gut level.

When you do, your hands will start shaking.

I don’t need your hand shaking or you combing your hair like Me or following Me around or asking Me for an autograph.

It’s okay if you do those things and I don’t mind having some fun with it and with you if that’s important to you. If it’s important to you then it’s important to Me.

It’s important for you to understand that it is time to put aside the tawdry concerns that you have for another man’s lifestyle or the supposed jealousy that overwhelms you causing you to engage in domestic terror over who’s gonna sleep with the white girls around here.

The obligations that we all have to at least make some effort even if it’s not successful, to insure our safety and to honor the investments of hundreds of billions of people who have already lived and died, and to think about people beyond ourselves and in other countries as well as the unborn who hope that this is a successful event.

And if you can do that then perhaps progress can be made.

Some say I Am wasting My time.

I say I will try and give it everything I’ve got.

What do you say?




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