Who Declares Ownership of the Church?!
So, there are a couple of things on My mind lately and because they are “low-hanging fruit” I can write a quick blurb addressing them without the rumination that other posts might take.
The first is “ownership” of the Church.
I personally don’t think in terms of ownership. It’s lingo wasn’t used as I was growing up. But it’s on everyone’s tongue nowadays and I don’t think that it’s a good trend but since it’s the current “mental model” that people are using to apprehend the world around them, I’ll use it.
Further, I should say, it seems to be deeply grounded in the ego as a position one takes. And the source of it, as you might think, is most likely coming from the Leprechaun Clans! They say things like “it’s our house so it’s our rules.” or “That’s my AT&T.” or “This is our block.” or “He’s LL Cool Jay’s.” If they happen to overhear you listening to him. In their world, everyone “belongs to” someone else. I’ve had people walk past Me say “I’m Sovrumano’s.” And I’ve had people walk past and say “I’m Satan’s.” Sometimes it’s “Not yours.” Really? Well, excuse Me!
This kind of thinking makes Me bristle and as I say, I think it’s a serious wrongdoing for one to do to themselves. But that aside, the issue of “Who” the Church “belongs to” has come up. The reason for this is because those who work for the Golden Dawn or whatever the cults are who operate in law enforcement and elsewhere, seem to have an agenda to “own” everything. They don’t want to govern, they want to “own”. If you “own” it, maybe you don’t have to ask for permission before you use it. If you “own” it maybe you can do whatever you please with it. After all, you “own” it. They don’t want to police, they want to “own” everything and green or red light anything a citizen or that they themselves might want to have and to do this with impunity. Obviously if punity is an issue then you can infer the rest. In fact there isn’t anything wrong with American values or the statues reasonably, it’s that they are encumbering larceny by police who know that to get away clean requires total control of the government and they are nearly there.
Now then, with Christ walking the Earth, He–to them–now becomes an “obstacle” in their march to the top of the pyramid from which they will rule over all of mankind. In the United States there were to divisions of Satanic cults, one called Luciferian and the other was Golden Dawn (I think) and these two were fighting and competing with each other for the “seat of Satan” which would be the ultimate place of power from which to rule over the country. These two cults could be found in law enforcement and other government agencies, I learned.
How this effects the electoral processes back here on planet Earth is a mystery to Me but I’ll sidestep the tangent for now.
There is no issue as to “who” the Church “belongs” to. Why would there be? Who did it “belong to” before My enlightenment? If you asked the pastor, Who does the Church belongs to? he would probably have looked at you quizzically and asked, Do you mean this particular Church or do you mean the Church in it’s entirety? This particular Church, he says, is run by Myself and My wife. The space is rented. It’s paid for by donors who attend the Church. If you are referring to the Church in it’s entirety, then I would say that it belongs to God or to Christ.
This is obvious to Me but those with innate deficiencies who mean to shore those up by way of increasing their control over more and more people around themselves, suddenly have a problem with the Church belonging to Christ if Christ is now going to be a flesh and blood person here in our Newtonian plane of existence. Because that would make Him something in the way of myself now, do you see?
And that’s really the only reason for the sudden confusion.
There wasn’t any confusion at all up until 2 1/2 years ago when I first started working on “Traffic ME?!” and I announced that some projects would be pushed back so I could make the videocast. One of which was the plan to start meeting with pastors and the congregations to make sure that we were all on the same page together.
I announced that it would be pushed back by about six months which would mean I would start meeting with pastors around January. That’s January of this year 2024. Now that it is… November 5th 2024–you know how well My scheduling and work have gone.
In the meantime, I overheard that many of the degenerates who work for the Sheriff’s had started running ahead of Me due to what I had benignly announced regarding My plans to meet with the clergy. They were running ahead of Me and campaigning to have Me put out of the Church! Now, the motive for this was due to My allegation that blacks were assisting the Trailer Park Clans with getting Me enslaved after the Church had gotten them free and at a great and terrible cost of money that is in the trillions and time that’s in the thousands of years and all donated out of Christian’s pockets voluntarily.
The blacks figured that I was going to put them out–and they were right–and the thing to do, according to them, was to do it to Me first.
**NOW, I have to go on a quick tangent here because it is so illustrative of what I have mused before about the black man being the devil, or the source of satanism. Freemasonry, I allege, is just a black man’s psych profile delineated. I don’t have time to go into elaborate arguments here but one observation I can point out to you here is that Israel itself has currently sent the world on this Armageddon tangent. Remember? If Israel got it’s doctrines from past pain points experienced while working for Hammurabi–a conjecture of Mine that has received some praise for it’s plausibility--then you might remember that there were likely to be words exchanged between the Israelites and the Buddhists as the Israelites were on their way out of the door and into the wilderness after being kicked out. And that would be the one swearing to the other that there be an agenda–to the death–to wipe the other out before the other had wiped them out. Early Israelites developed a hatred of all things “Buddhist” as they were a very tribal and obnoxious and loud culture of people while Hammurabi’s people could possibly be described as a less boistrous and more disciplined group in nature.
The rules that Hammurabi tried to impose upon the Israelites is still around and on display somewhere. I’ve looked at it and it’s a lot of pithy things such as “Be kind to your brother. Never speak poorly of him.” and so on. Israel’s kids, by contrast, were probably used to running into each other elbows first and perhaps in practice of things similar to santeria. If Hammurabi had plans or hopes to see his religion go viral worldwide then he may have had a comparable amount of contempt for the religion that the devil-worhsipping clans practiced after his exposure to it. Israel was kicked out during a forbidden festival to Ba’al while on his property according the storified version in the book of Genesis.
The reason that this is relevant is because Israel never addresses the issue of it’s behavior. The reason for Hammurabi wanting them out of there–according to their own testimony–is due to their unruly and untenable behavior. It has nothing to do with racism or discrimination it has to do with their violation of the rules while on his property. They however, attempt to counter this play by Hammurabi by a play of the same at him by themselves. The problem with this tit-for-tat exchange is that Hammurabi–and by extension Christians facing extinction today—have done nothing wrong to deserve a counter to their attempts to enforce the rules. Israel’s counter is flagrantly illegal and being acted out on a worldwide scale. The maneuver by the blacks here on Skid Row, Los Angeles California–with their lack of formal education and worldliness-–did the exact same thing when faced with being expelled–they tried (or are trying) to get Me expelled first.
This is wrong. All wrong.
So let Me quickly set the matter straight and as succinctly as I can with a few points that are moral and legal obligations upon us all.
First of all the Church is a apolitical, tax-free charity. In order to keep this status, it has to remain free of politics. That means that members of the U.S. Army or police could not be “owners” of the Church as they are obviously not apolitical. They are not even to be principals in the Church due to it’s status, to the best of My knowledge. A pastor’s responsibilities is probably as far up the chain as a person who is in the military or police could go, I would think.
Sometimes it’s better not to think of these rankings as a linear scale pointing upward from the ground. These are just places from which the jobs and responsibilities differ. And a good pastor can be just as valuable as another fellow with a different job of “higher” rank.
Second, the Church is comprised of a very large body of people. They attend it. They fund it. They built it from the ground up. They did this for one another and for themselves. To have a house of refuge. A place to find inspiration or care. This is who the Church is “owned” by but we are not done just yet.
The Church also has “principals” within it. These are people who have the power to ordain others as pastors as well as other executive functions such as firings or inquiries or handling legal matters. Some are wealthy men and women and they write very large checks from time-to-time to assist the Church with it’s missions to keep a clean society of men and women. And lastly, I suppose I’ll go ahead and just put his out there…there’s Me. Christ.
Around Los Angeles people have heard Me taunted by blacks and others about My smartphones not belonging to Myself; My agency doesn’t belong to Me–do you see why I think this is a bad trend now? These were never issues until the nigger races found out that I was wealthy. Then suddenly I can’t hear My own voicemail. It doesn’t “belong to” Me–My emails don’t belong to Me, the Church doesn’t belong to Me–I’ve had one response to all of these different taunts from so many: “What is Mine has My name on it.”
Whenever a Church or Mission or shelter opens, when it does so with a Christian motif, if it teaches the New Testament, if it teaches to pray the Our Father Prayer, if it baptizes, if it teaches to pray for the Second Coming of Christ, if it teaches one to get saved, if it teaches one to prepare, if it teaches lessons from the Bible, if it teaches to have faith in it’s prophecies and words, if it accepts donations on the pretense of being a CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION, then yes sweetheart, those people and those institutions would “belong” to Me.
That is why they are called CHRISTIANS, idiot.
Rewind through time over the last 500 years and you tell Me who people were praying to and praying for all over the world; all over the country. Who were they praying for with tears in their eyes, with their hands holding one another while looking up to the sky or face down in reverence? Who did they beg for help? To get them free of tyranny or abuse? Who was the symbol or the face of their faith? Who did they openly declare themselves consecrated to or baptized for? Is this really an issue? Why would people suddenly begin to think for one fucking minute that the Church COULD BELONG to anyone else other than Christ himself whether He’s a man on foot around here somewhere or an angel in the sky–since when is it an issue to quibble over?
Since the nigger races found out I was wealthy, that’s when. That’s exactly when to be specific. About 3 years ago. They say I Am at fault for “you be making us jealous” and other, similar nazimonic doggerel.
Also I’m half Latino.
Apparently this is an affront to their religion or something.
Anyway, what you will find is that there is not a single person who funds the meals at the Midnight Mission or the Whatever–any of them in any city or town worldwide–who won’t tell you that they donate that money for Christian people to survive on and that the Church does not even belong to them nor to the pastor inside. It “belongs” to Christ. Donors are likely baptized and if not, may as well be given their rigor and robust support for the vision of a safe, “Christian” or noble society of people who work and live harmoniously together without oppression or subjection or abuse.
In the Bible it says that the Church is the bride and that Christ is the groom.
You should know that pastors by themselves are not enough. That’s obvious and most painfully right now. If I ever break down and cry one day over all of this, I will tell you no that My greatest disappointment is the lack of will with the pastoral class. They are in a critical position on the drawing board suddenly and unpreparedly. That in and of itself isn’t a dealbreaker. After all, I’ve been christened for five years now and five years is more than enough time to get a Bachelor’s degree in Killing Blood-gulping Satanists That Want to Starve You to Death in Your Own Hospital Bed When No One Else is Looking.
If pastors were enough then Christ wouldn’t be necessary. They would have it handled. Does it look like they have it handled? Not no, but HELLLL NO. You’re dead if you’re expecting them to tell you what to do. And they don’t because they don’t. And you are dying one by one, imperceptibly to one another, by the day, and the cruel and the treasonous and the ignoble grow comparatively stronger by the day. And yet the occultists are an economist’s nightmare with their redacted newspapers and cover-ups in law enforcement and other branches of government. “Their” police are actually guilty of every crime imaginable from murder to rape to treason to grand larceny to targeting noncombatant citizens with tech that’s illegal to use on armed enemy combatants during wartime! How do you think they pushed 21,000 stools out of My rectum over 21 years?? Bio-terror is not illegal in “their” world.
“Our” police don’t have to redact the six o’clock news. Easy.
“Our” police don’t pimp prostitutes. Nice.
“Our” police don’t shout “war” an their own unarmed noncombant citizens as they mill about. Good.
Hey, this is going to be a slam-dunk, right? Wrong. No? Wow.
But I find it amusing that no one has found fault with My work thus far. Everyone that I know of–and there is a wide variety of sociographics worldwide at play here--has agreed that My work is good. Some call it brilliant and so on. So the issue doesn’t become the caliber or relevance of My ideas it comes down to the egos who don’t want Me to “own” the Church because that would make Me “too powerful” or “too wealthy” or for owning while being unqualified by not having been born with albinism or some other idiosyncratic reasoning not grounded in science. These are ludicrous explanations and yet they are exactly the thinking and reasoning of grown men in our government and police stations.
In conclusion I will make a self-aggrandizing remark, ok?
I think you hit the lottery but some of you out there–not all of you obviously–are to stupid to realize it.
I don’t want anything from you.
I really don’t.
If you bought a t-shirt I would probably pee all over Myself.
If you wanted to support Sovrumano because it makes or has made a difference in your life, then I would say, Great! I appreciate it!
If you wanted to support the “Aryan Christ” side of the company in hopes that it would further the research and work to call a cabinet of men and women forward so they can begin this Work as soon as possible, I would say that we are all indebted to you and future generations will always be in your debt.
I don’t want to read your mind full time. I don’t want a bot doing it, either. Today strangers have more intimacy with Me than I would want to get from My own wife. Even her mind is her’s to keep to herself. I really don’t want to camp out in there.
I don’t want to tell you what to do. If you see Me on stage telling people what to do it must be some kind of emergency because I’m not really inclined to doing that.
Literally grown men have expressed concern that I might be enjoying Myself were I to become wealthy at My current age; they were concerned that I might be–and I quote them here–“getting laid” after My “shows” on the road.
Now that one made Me turn all the way around in My chair to see who the fuck said that one? You know what I mean? That’s a thought that has never occurred to Me. Never. I’ve got 17 years of volunteer work with the Church in My background and I only associate lots of time and effort volunteered for those who need the hand.
And I say these things to cover a couple of teaching points simultaneously as examples but the relevance here is that for a Person who some whisper and rumor that, He just might be the wealthiest person in the world; or that He might be the “most powerful” Person in the world–for such a category of Person, He sure does seem disinterested in your personal business. If you drive a Porsche. If your wife is prettier than his.
And I say these things because that is honestly Who I Am. I’m normal on the busy-body stuff nowadays. But I was raised an only child. And I honestly don’t care what you’re doing or what you have unless you are a personal friend. It doesn’t make any sense to Me because everyone is dealt a different hand. So why practice Freemasonry or say, “you was making us jealous” if life is existentially filled with variations in Fortune and circumstance?
In other words, for a people who are deeply in debt to the Church for all the lives it has saved, and for all of the tax relief it provides to so many nations by picking total strangers up off of the street and taking them in, for the meals and the shelter and the baby formula and the diapers and the mercy care and our seniors who need more attention than the others–the CEO of the Church who has a rightful claim on your lives–He doesn’t seem to be too interested in “owning” you and yet–He has a claim on you that eclipses anything the state could proffer in explanation for it’s police wanting to own your kids and to tell your daughter what guys she can and cannot date, what t-shirts she can and cannot wear, or that she’ll be punished or ridiculed by strangers for thinking So-and-so is extremely handsome and young-looking for His age despite His being homeless as of late.
Every life you see walking about today in America and indeed most countries, do so because the Church saved their bloodline. And without the Church they had NOTHING. There wasn’t even a social security office until the 1930’s. Prior to that you just starved. If you were a slave, then you suffered until you died if Christian values didn’t overwhelm those with nefarious intentions for you and your potential.
Is the Church venerated to the status it deserves? Do people acknowledge it? No, not really. And I think there are a couple of reasons for that. One, the Church doesn’t really do anything to keep people mindful of it. That wouldn’t be done directly by Myself but as chief–believe Me–people will always remember who bailed them out. Not a guilt-trip but a friendly ad on TV or a famous personality who reminds people incidentally that that institution is the only reason the majority of us are here breathing right now.
When people are not mindful of the moral debt they have to the Church we get situations like the blacks in America who only have freedom from the chains of slavery due to the efforts and doctrines (”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”) of the Church but are found today working against it. Furthermore, after saving their lives at a personal cost of trillions over 250 years or so, we find that their allegiance largely, is to the clans that have been killing them and discriminating against them in mass over that exact same period of time. You can’t believe what I see from this perspective. That has to be stopped immediately even if it means pulling Churches out of their neighborhoods.
Second, if the long-term plans of the Freemason is the destruction of the Church then it doesn’t make any sense to venerate it, does it? Why would you start destroying something that has been indispensable to our survival and freedoms? You wouldn’t. But if you did, or were going to, you wouldn’t want people to realize who was doing it nor would you want them in love with the institution. You would want them turned off by it so they don’t miss it. They are employing a similar strategy with Myself. It’s not by accident that blacks work full-time intimidating and slandering Me. It’s by conscientious design. I know that because police have already checked to see if I have the kind of charisma that makes people want to put their life down before My own.
There is one final dynamic I will draw attention to here and that is the fact that the pastor who may oversee the purchasing of groceries or passing out of foodstuffs is not usually the one who pays for it. Now that doesn’t mean he doesn’t keep his eye on it. However, I can tell you that the byproduct of this particular situation is that you can only find from time-to-time, that foodstuffs or assets are passed out to people who shouldn’t be receiving them. But if the manager’s job is to distribute then that is what he will do and if he doesn’t pay for what he distributes then you may find that the possibility of less then shrewd thinking may happen from time to time.
The point of this last bit is simply to have you realize that you and I have a moral debt. And a moral debt is just as obligatory as an economic one. But it isn’t touted and I’m not looking to tout it, either. But I don’t want you to forget it, do you understand? What I Am trying to tell you here is that Christ, to a large extent, “owns” every life you see walking about today. He also has more people voting for Him than any serving politician. By billions.* But that isn’t reason for alarm. He doesn’t want anything from you per se except that you be what you said you were going to be when He took you in. And that is to be good men and women, full of zeal for life and generally pointed in the right direction. To set restrictions on how vulgar or vile you would become or behave in life.
To draw lines on behavior is important to us. It defines the lines and that defines the culture. However, if someone has done something vile to you, say torture, I personally don’t put any restrictions on how you treat them when you catch them if you safely can. That is My personal position on it. Others will say “never do that”. But I disagree. It’s exactly the former that has given others the confidence to betray us and torture us in our beds or preschools while knowing that we would never do the same to them even if we caught them later on.
To this I say, Not so!
-Christ Titus
*This is the reason you don’t see Me being interviewed on prime time television. Just ask the Bureau!
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