Hello Friends.
Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it?
You haven’t bailed out on Me, have you?
You know I would never forgive you if you did.
What Am I supposed to do if you take off on Me?
Are you going to leave Me here to figure this all out on My own?
What if I needed you or something you had to say or offer? Do I just go without?
What if I really need it. I didn’t think you were allowed to bail on Me.
Enough of the funnies.
I let the site go for a couple of months that was unscheduled.
There was a spate of, of…harassment I suppose for lack of a better word. Not word but feeling; something that describes the feeling. The feeling at the time. Something more like exasperation.
The keyboard had been hacked. The website was hacked shortly thereafter. And I still don’t know what may have been edited or deleted. I have to look it over carefully. Fortunately it’s not the old site.
Police were not calling back. Again. Neither were any supervisors.
I got back from My kidnapping scandal and had began negotiations with an attorney for the Sheriff who illegally detained Me. According to Me. I thought it was going well but after two or three months of talking back and forth, they decided that they would go ahead and turn down My offer to settle. I was shocked. I didn’t think they had anywhere to go. I asked him what she planned to do when I got her to court. The answer to that question will be part of a future podcast.
And then on a personal level, there was a bit of a disappointment. A friend–or someone who was a prospective friend; actually a potentially good one–turned out not to be so but worse was found to be actually working against the agency and Myself. I’m a tough cookie. You have no idea. I could go on and on about the 100,000 miles on foot and 22 years in forced homelessness and the endurance to run through Mexico, Orlando, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland to save My life or the 17 hour workdays in Phoenix as a window washer canvassing door to door for clients in the hottest weather in the world–but this particular setback happened at a time when I was already wobbling from being in the ring boxing for too many rounds. And it was getting ugly. I had already started missing the updates for the DS and other chores. Finishing “Traffic ME?!” Part5 was a big relief but also something just done.
So when I finally got the news, I felt like I was the “good guy” or naive one, somehow. And that isn’t anything to be. Occultists intentionally target the naive and the helpful and the isolated. I don’t intend to be naive or overly “available” to anyone. I’m not. I’m busy. But if I think you’re an asset I’ll try to nurture that relationship. So being isolated and available and helpful is construed as “sucker’ or potential sucker. Add the fact that I don’t have psychotronics to read minds whereas other people do–even high school kids show it off on their walk past Me to school–and you have a recipe for exploitation waiting for the right moment to germinate.
And so I backed away from the table and I said, “I don’t want to do this anymore. And I don’t want to be this anymore.” And I almost cried because the words were so awquard and so…improvised or unexpected coming out of My mouth that I surprised Myself with My own candor and feelings.
And so I did. I decided to walk away for a bit.
And I still Am, to be honest.
Does that mean that Sovrumano is dead? No.
The blacks and others are eager to say so and they’ve been saying things like this for nearly 4 of the 5 years that Sov has been alive. And yet Sov continues to grow and do breakthrough work and they continue to do nothing but cause problems. They have no value or GDP. Yet they think of themselves as a priority even over Christ. They are not. They are learning egomania from occultists and declaring “I didn’t want to see Him doing _____ .” as if someone is honestly expected to mind what this black man just said. The nigger honestly has a list of do’s and don’ts for stalking victims. Things he doesn’t want to see you doing as he stalks you. He doesn’t want to see you engaging in certain activities. That might make him jealous. And that might upset him. And you are a Mes-can and Mes-cans ain’t supposed to be upsetting ow pee-pole.
Someone observing Me says I appear to be clinically depressed. That’s opposed to the episodic depression or self-hypnotized variety that you commonly see with young adults experiencing angst having learned how the world actually works or their vulnerability or what society might want of them. I’ve had some bouts of depression as a young man growing up but nothing that serious. More comical and intoxicated and wasted (cue the Alice in Chains music) as I stand in front of a speaker in the “privacy” of My own home singing at the top of My lungs. Good Lord.
So for the time being the site will be updated but it might be a bit sporadic. Don’t lose faith or anything. I Am human. I get cut, I bleed. I walk 100,000 miles My hips and knees get worn. But you know what? They haven’t given out on Me yet. People fail to know and thus don’t appreciate how far I’ve had to go to get where I Am. It’s too much to convey here. But it’s a full-time job just putting up with the nomenclature that the police have choreographed here in L.A. I could be walking down the street and appear to be alone when the reality is that someone is touching Me on the genitals or forcing a bowel movement. But you can’t see the tech that does this but I Am fighting it constantly.
And there is no support whatsoever. Not economic. Not social. Not fraternal. No contacts with anyone professionally or otherwise and this is My what…? 22nd year in this situation? I used to go out 5 nights a week. Literally. I made good money off and on back there somewhere.
So people get the idea that “that’s what He does, I guess.”
No, that’s not “what I do”. I don’t live in a tent fighting with police and publishing material fit for the NYT Bestseller list with breakthroughs in game theory, anthropology, biblical studies, sociology free of charge as a gift to any passersby because I’m desperate for friends or someone’s approval. That’s not it at all.
I do what I do to demonstrate what the agency is capable of and so that people have a rough idea of what I can do and what I don’t do or don’t do yet. I never intended to publish as much as I have free of charge but got carried away and thought that the police surely would have let Me go by now. I’m worth a fortune to many people all over the world. But they don’t give a fuck about that they only care about keeping what they’ve stolen from Me and making money off of it as well as My death.
So…fuck it.
What about all of those people out there? Are you just going to abandon them?
No. I cannot do that and I won’t. My tasks are so big in scale they defy reason and they animate Me against My will. I love what I do and can’t imagine doing anything else but to say that the joy has been taken out of it somehow wouldn’t be an exaggeration. I hate to say that; I don’t want anyone thinking I’m on stage to give a talk and really don’t want to be there. That’s not Me whatsoever and I wouldn’t do a program like that. But we are skating dangerously close to it once in a while and I couldn’t imagine ever feeling like that. Starting Sov was the joy of My life and the roller-coaster ride of My life and maybe yours too for a while there! Were we chugging along there for a bit? Man, you had to be there for about 18 months or so. I think I caught the whole world’s attention with My work and I Am humbled and proud to be able to do what I do.
I will let you go now and keep you posted. Because this is an undeniable pivot point and an unplanned one in Sov’s trajectory and relationship to the market, there will probably be a podcast to quickly go over what was just said. The reason is that the devil-worshipping idiots of this world are eager to sell lies and take credit for anything that they can. They don’t care if it’s not true. They may not be lying for their street cred but just to deceive people for the hell of it. Either way, I need to make a post or two somewhere just to keep the record straight and free of their disinformation that will creep into the history books just as surely as My name is Christ Titus.
In the meantime, don’t fret. Don’t worry. We are going to be okay. I lament that Trailer Park Clans follow Me more closely than the Church does. If you asked a clansman about what I’ve published over the last six months, he is more familar with it than the average pastor I guarantee you. And if I should fall tonight and the website should disappear they will have the most information and copies of material, I’m certain. That means that they know what everyone should be working on according to Sovrumano but the average Church does not.
The books that you see advertised here are on a temporary hold.
The reason as I have mentioned is because their are members of the Golden Dawn who stand to make more money than I do once it is finished or near finished. They are actually hoping I work on “A Critical Review” over “Traffic ME?!”‘s finale because they can monetize it better than the YouTube channel (which I think goes to the FBI or LAPD. I have no idea. I just know that I earn ZERO and have every day of My work at this agency.)
There will likely be a podcast on this situation and why I don’t want to do this anymore.
The three books that you see below are all in various stages of development.
I am looking for a publisher for all three books. It does not need to be the same publisher for each book.
The books are worked on sporadically and cautiously due to the “open frequency” policy by the FBI and consequently the police.
What they purport to do is to “not know” that I am Christ while I stand to benefit from it. And since I am not Christ but some usual Joe, it’s okay to allow others–tens of thousands of them–to eavesdrop on Me via psychotronics.
This compromises billions of dollars in revenue for hundreds of American companies. but because I was already illegally detained in Operation Birddog, it was just too easy to continue playing it off after my Enlightenment.
Whereby the feds only stood to reap the benefit of stealing money I’m owed for Operation Birddog without My knowledge, they now stood to potentially get millions more by allowing others to destroy and loot Me while they conspire together to sell paraphernalia about Me after I pass away.
The merchandising of Christ can begin as soon as we get Christ out of the way.
The church is also lose any potential benefits that they may have had coming from the arrival of Christ.
But aside from the corruption and the vulgar races behind it, we have three shining jewels that stand to do well in the marketplace.
Sometime in my late teens or early twenties I developed an interest in genius. I thought it was fascinating and something of a black box that no one really understood.
However, a real payoff may lie in studying the loser.
This book will be a fun run through the psychological makeup and coping strategies of the unfortunate.
A Critical Review of the Sociology and Politic that is White Supremacy will be Sovrumano’s first publication under our sovereign Name.
And I also posted a forward for you! It’s online now and the book cover is the link.
This tome will be fairly concise and direct and although I make it clear that the reader should brace themselves for the occasional outburst from Myself due to personal losses stemming from “Supremacists” in our police departments, it isn’t all bad news or negative in bias.
In fairness, biased or not, the numbers don’t lie and the modus operandi don’t either. Psychological make-up and existential crises, real or imagined, also spur behavior that can be delineated.
Heretofore these things have largely been obscured from sight and I believe this book will be an enlightening read for anyone.
My passion and My pride!
It’s hard to believe but this book was started some four years ago and should have been finished by now.
The prologue received rave reviews from everyone who read it and many said that it inspired interest in reading the rest of the story.
Working on the tome was sheer delight for Me as I got to create characters who I would want to hang out with or grow up with.
You will meet four anomalies–for very different individuals at the top and at the top of their game doing what they should not be.
Hunting Doorsmen.
Well there is rumor of a woman liking a rough draft of this graphic that you see here that I decided to make a promotional for the agency with it.
This is the final draft, I think. It’s not uncommon for Me to make several iterations of an illustration because I can get picky about lighting, fonts, colors, composisition, and so on.
I intentionally publish graphics on places like Twitter knowing that it’s easy to grab a copy. I wanted to try to make some things that might be of interest to collector’s, etc who wanted one. Also, I was (thinking that) I might be selling t-shirts with the agency and didn’t want people accusing Me of being a profit-monger over My enlightenment. I assure you I Am not. I give until it hurts, believe Me. So I decided to make some things free for everyone who might want a keepsake.
Unbeknownst to Myself police, most likely, disconnected the vendor from making any merchandise behind My back. So I spent months making and promoting products with no way to fulfill the orders unbeknownst to Myself.
I think we are going to see a record set by people coming out of the closet who are honestly against the Church. Isn’t that funny? In the Bible it says that all of these facades by people will be exposed.
I got the following from Google’s AI:
“The Bible says that people will be exposed in Luke 12: 2 & 3; Luke 8: 17 and Ephesians 5: 11-14
“There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known”.
“For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all”.
“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret”.
The idea of “exposing” is also present in the Old Testament, in passages such as: Exodus 20:26, Proverbs 26:26, Lamentations 2:14, and Ezekiel 28:17.”
I’ve made it clear that this isn’t Bible study. I Am not an advocate of the Bible anymore. However it does have some value because it was written by Jewish people who knew what the grand scheme was and what the “signs” would be when it was nearly finished. Today we see secrets about the Freemasons being exposed all the time on the internet. Things that they would have killed you for once upon a time. Including My own work uncovering them as once dark-skinned Africans.
But that wasn’t the point of this little blurb. It’s the sheer number of people coming out who tell Me openly that they are concerned with My sex life; how much money I have; if My wife or girlfrriend is white. So far today I’ve had four-six blacks do this. Almost all of them have security guard cards.
Yesterday a black or Mexican man went after Me as I walked by for ‘making him jealous” and then on the same walk to the library, a driver of a luxury miniature bus for taking corporate tours was waiting outside of his vehicle when I walked by and said something similar. Unreal, I’m thinking.
So you’ll see a post soon, “The Genreation That Understood” which might be more relevant than I originally suspected.
I will go into a bit more detail about the importance of not losing sight of the purpose of the Enlightenment. The aforementioned people don’t care about it. Literally. For whatever reason. Maybe they’ve cut a deal–maybe they’re related to Barbara Streisand or Milton Steinberg—I have no idea what they’re deal is but they are in pursuit of Myself and the sabotage of My agency and that is detrimental to billions of people and trillions of dollars.
So for those who need it or if you’re just a fan of My smarm, I’ll be posting that soon.
Just out of curiosity, how many things can you count that have been exposed for the world to see because I Am here? Have you ever thought about it?
1. Christendom. False pastors and churches; those who won’t acknowledge Christ is here but prefer the imaginary one so they can sneak their pale asses onto it’s seat.
2. Federal Government. Did you know that the feds are complicit in trafficking? How about the police? No? Did you realize what it takes to traffic, say people, versus chicken eggs or diamonds? Did you see the dominoes fall one after the other in your mind to reveal that the #USAisOver?
3. Genocide Paraphernalia. Prior to My defining it, it didn’t have a name. This is published at you daily by other “Americans” who want you dead. Read between the lines: You are paying for your own terror whenever you buy a magazine or newspaper or watch a movie.
4. Albino whites were once blacks. I found this one out while researching “Traffic ME?!” last year! Wowza! And I discovered it by use of Compliments. The pastor, who has since passed away a long time ago, had a transcript of a sermon he had given. And I was researching “serpent seeds” to see if they were related to the Jews or the blacks because it seemed that their numbers were awfully high suddenly*. But I found something I wasn’t looking for in his speech. He doubled down his speech in certain parts–although it was a written transcript I was able to feel the intonation from the wording just like you can right now. And I thought…This guy isn’t talking about blacks, is he? No..He’s talking about whites!! And bam! I had another major Sovrumano eurekas!
What else have you learned to be exposed as a result of Christ being here? Do you keep a journal? You might want to do that. So far this site has been a portal to some fantastic ideas and breakthroughs. I don’t have time toi cover them all here even in summary. But the choice is yours. Use the site for research, enlightenment, entertainment and so on. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
You can find Me at YouTube @sovrumano6395 or Twitter at @01ChristAryan
How about an easy weekend read? “Buck Rogers in the 21st Century” along with your cup of coffee or green tea?
Where to find Me?@01ChristAryan on Twitter.
@sovrumano6395 on YouTube
For longer form posts, mind streams not fit for publication yet, and persona issues:
for longer form posts of a personal nature. I did this to keep the business account professional and free of personal drama as much as possible.
is for monthly subscriptions and one-time Thank-you’s.
All tokens of appreciation and patrons are appreciated and you should find really great value here for your time and money. The DS alone is worth more than the $5 per month. But videos and articles are posted as well as social media accounts. Ask anyone what they think about following Me the first 3 years of Sov and they will say “It blew My mind.”
Also I Am asking all churches, foundations, colleges, synagogues, etc., to participate in the monthly subscription.
This will help with expenses and keeping the site online fo 7B people worldwide and more on the way!
Alright , I had planned to say “We’ll be back after Thanksgiving” but for whatever reason at the time it slipped My mind and then when it did occur to Me it was too late. So I figured you would figure it out .
We’re back now!
For up to the minute info go to @01Christ Aryan on Twitter.
What does that mean? Well let’s use the term this way…
You have heard of Askenazi Jews playing both sides from the “Traffic ME?!” videos. But beside the advantage offered from pitting two opposing sides against each other comes the opportunity to gather intelligence while not being a secret agent.
Think about it this way:
Most clansmen are Republicans. But Bill Clinton is a clans an who won the presidency on the Democratic ticket. The allegiance or membership to, is to the clan.
So while many supporters and naive are smug that a Democrat is in the White House one must realize that that Democrat is also a clansman with duties and loyalties thereof.
The clan at this point becomes the “para-agency” not Bill Clinton if that’s what you were thinking.
Sovrumano Support!
Sovrumano needs your support! as you may know I am illegally detained in Los Angeles now and this is “meant to be”.
Before you think, If he was Christ He wouldn’t be trapped on the sidewalk now would he?, you should know that this is the most powerful place I can be because it is from here I can prove the USA defunct–from it’s police to the FBI to the White House–it is impossible to traffic human beings or have psychotropics distributed in a stacked way. Meaning some people get more than others. To be able to walk through walls, surveillance, touching or contact, assault, collude–renders the constitution invalid and executives corrupt.
I work tirelessly for us all. I work tirelessly for the noble societies who wanted to avoid this very tragedy the degradation of society to accommodate the q-anon wacko-jacko’s and pedophile island miscreant supremacists Jason stillBourne to rule the world kind of…people. With nose jobs. And hair plugs.
anyway! as I am not able to work and cannot see my numbers on social media accounts for ad revenue or partnerships, that leaves you, the churches and other secular societies who value the true aryan brotherhood and it’s values to jump in their and assist. it takes no effort per person and if each church donated $5 per month through the Paypal we would have our safety and security for the needs of hundreds of billions of people who have come and gone and are yet to arrive.
Merchandise (Coming Soon!)
I took the liberty of demarcating My videos with a rating system and if the video has stars on the album cover it’s probably one of the better videos either for production or Intel. Or at least I think so.
Another ad that was made for the “Traffic ME?!” Part 4 finale.
Here you will hear examples of people taking strategy from the use of compliments. Compliments are a technique that was taught to you during the video #2.
So listen up and learn something new. These are not theoretical techniques that I teach but the stuff nation-states use when going to war.
What are you doing with them?
And have you tipped your teacher anything? Shame on you.
“The purose of the Bible is to inspire a race war. The purpose of the Bible is to inspire a white supremacy and a jihad (unholy war) upon other tribes of people.”
Unless otherwise noted all publishings on this site are Copyright 2024-2025 Sovrumano All Rights Reserved.
Sovrumano nor Christ Titus Anderson have any partners, co-authors, or co-owners unless a particular post states otherwise in the event of a co-authorship.
All podcasts, videocasts, articles, and public speaking engagements are the sole production and property of Christ Titus Anderson and Sovrumano. In no way whatsoever Am I am agent or employee of the United States of America although I Am a national security person and the head of the Church.
It doesn’t take a rocket-scientist to figure out that if Christ were here in the flesh He couldn’t not be a national security person as the head of the world’s largest philanthropic organizations and teaching facilities. Therefore respect by police, federal agents the public–and especially those who receive charity from us–is necessary to have a successful visit by Christ and the changes that people worldwide have prayed for as well as “investing” thousands of trillions of dollars worldwide over the last 600 years or so. Let’s remember that 95% of the world’s population lives outside of the USA and any notion that Christ is “owned” by blue-collar white men at the Sheriff’s to be just another one of their delusions right along with their desirability in society that they terrorize and brainwash others to maintain.
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