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But welcome! You have found Christ. Yes, that Christ of the NT and many other texts, prophesied to arrive around this time; the “end times” of the United States and the Church.

You are under attack by your own police and government. I Am not here by accident. The news is suppressed by the Los Angeles FBI and Sheriff who further suppress agendas of torture and genocide of “God’s” people and much more!

Daily Stratagem

Are you running for office? There are several different approaches one can take:

1. Proper:

Kiss babies. Shake hands!

2. Underground:

The graphitti on the wallls downtown says you’re the shit!

3. Revolutionary:

Crowd surf your way into your new office.

4. Criminal:

Slander your competition’s reputation! Let the air out of their tires!





Support for Sov

“Traffic ME?!” Part 1?!

Yes, believe it or not there was a part 1 back there but it doesn’t get the attention it deserves for starting this wildfire!

I had no idea what was to come or where it would take us but what a long, strange trip it has become! Part 4 is still being pecked at but soon to move to the principal thing I work on to get it finished. The alternatives I wanted edited in will take too long but I was able to make some noteworthy progress on the smartphone surveillance issue which we will be going into in depth this year. I maintain that the smartphone is an unexpected boon to government in the trillions but not reflected anywhere on the spreadsheets.


Copyright 2024 Sovrumano


As always, I have to thank all of the brave people out there, Christian and Buddhist and Islam and all My secular, noble people out there worldwide! Thank you for bearing with Me through this incredibly stupid time at the hands of our own police. Did you ever think you would see the day when Christ himself walks this Earth and teaches? Did you ever suspect that our own police were murdering us without provocation? Or that they would be so bold as to publish Genocide Paraphernalia (My term) basting of it? I hear rumors that the FBI has so much contempt for us they literally use taxpayer dollars on the ads. If it’s true that would be in one with what Freemasons have done in the past.


Don’t be fooled by My circumstances. If you are just now getting here, you missed one of the most incredible starts any agency could possibly have! RECORDS we’re set! New teachings on subjects that are singularly My own! Enlightenment several subjects from White Supremacy to Trafficking to   Criminology to Game Theory and we are only beginning!

Christ is exactly where He is supposed to be. But are you? I Am in the most powerful place I know of to destroy the USA (if it were not already destroyed of it’s own misconduct). It’s not a joke but this isn’t the place to explain it. The point is, What are YOU doing about what you learn here?

To all those who have gifted support, thank you. Cash in hand is best. We need electronics. Boots. You can make a one-time donation at Paypal.me/Sovrumano or sign-up for the $5 monthly subscription. It’s the best money you’ve ever donated. It does to insure that BILLIONS of people don’t miss out on the one thing they want so badly they pray for it–THE ARRIVAL OF THE MESSIAH!










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