The Second Coming of Christ is real and is here now!

Although I have been here for five years now and illegally detained in Los Angeles almost no one knows of the flagrant and abusive acts by our LAPD and Sheriff and FBI. It is because of these agencies and the illegal networks of gangs, citizens, journalists and so on that you do not know of this news.

Sovrumano is where I run My agency from; My online home. The site is currently under re-construciton and is looking a little thin compared to the first iteration. Here we discuss topics ranging from sociology to game theory to the “spiritual”. (I don’t represent another religion but represent the emancipation of mankind out of those Abrahamic books and Churches to something far more contemporary and lucid.)

Additionally, due to My circumstances tormenting Me on a moment-to-moment basis, you will have plenty of fodder that is based upon My own experiences with obstacles that are state-sponsored. Although I Am cognizant of burning you out on the situation, it’s relevance to you couldn’t be more clear. I Am a harbinger of what could happen to you on a mass scale.

Those who followed Me for the first 5 years at Sovrumano got the treats of a lifetime! Breakthroughs in game theory, sociology, criminology, possibly history and Biblical studies have happened! I cannot tell you what the future holds for us, but we are excited to have you aware of this event and the most important thing you can do is to tell others about it.

Thank you.

-Christ Titus 卐

Would you believe that I had so many different projects to work on recently that I couldn’t decide what to do and I ended up taking the day 0ff? I literally stalled like a car engine! I don’t think that’s ever happened before.

Anyway why not toss in another task while I’m at it and so I did–A Critical Review of the Sociology and Politic that is White Supremacy will be Sovrumano’s first publication under our sovereign Name.

And I also posted a forward for you! It’s online now and the book cover is the link. I expect to have the book done in 3 months and then I’ll take another 3 to simmer on it and tweak it for mistakes and aesthetics and succinctness.

This tome will be fairly concise and direct and although I make it clear that the reader should brace themselves for the occasional outburst from Myself due to personal losses stemming from “Supremacists” in our police departments, it isn’t all bad news or negative in bias.

In fairness, biased or not, the numbers don’t lie and the modus operandi don’t either. Psychological make-up and existential crises, real or imagined, also spur behavior that can be delineated. So can objectives whether they be consciously sought or subconsciously sought.

Heretofore these things have largely been obscured from sight and I believe this e-book will be an enlightening read for anyone.

Tenatively My plans are to gift the book to those who sign up for the $5 monthly subscription but I Am open to suggestions and partnerships and book publishers should any have any interest.

As always, given My circumstances, you know that you can always support this agency at with a spot of cash in any amount. It is greatly appreciated. If you help Me then I help billions worldwide and billions more on the way.

Bulletin Board.

You can be Satan’s. Really, you can. I don’t mind. I prefer you not to, but ultimately that’s up to you.

The problem with this juxtaposition of themselves with Myself is that it leads one to think of a “rivalry” between the two. This is inspired by biblical folklore as well as literature, such as Paradise Lost, and of course our pop media.

Those who take instruction from such sources make a critical mistake in their idolization of the “Irreverent One”. That mistake is that the devil was never in the debt of Christ.  But you are.

And not only you but every member of your family and every generation of your family starting with you and working backwards for the last umpteen-hundred years.

So raising your hand to Me is a no-no. Period. It’s astonishing how many don’t even connect Me with the Church or Missions that feed them daily but I blame the Sheriff’s for exploiting those weak of mind or education.

Lastly, one should remember that even if you’ve cut a deal with the County or devil or Golden Dawn or whatever, if you’ve blasphemed against the Holy Spirit because you hear there is no redemption for those who’ve done so (I have to admit I giggled a little bit when I heard that this was a requirement and ritual at one time for those joining the Church of Satan.) and you’re never coming back–I want you to remember that that does not meant that everyone has done the same thing. It doesn’t mean that you are free to destroy a trillion-dollar asset that was funded by mankind itself worldwide over the course of hundreds of years. Those weak of IQ tend to be myopic. That is, they think only of themselves or their friends because that is all the capacity they have. Higher IQ’s think in systems, see consequences, think in worldcentric terms and are often concerned about others around the world even if they be of a different tribe.

There are many statutes that already protect Me, whether they be provisions against sexual assault and illegal surveillance or the more exotic such as mandates against the destruction of “cultural property”. An example of cultural property would be the statue of Jesus in Rio De Janero with it’s outstretched arms overlooking the city. It is demarcated as “cultural property” meaning it belongs to everyone, has significance to those people, and is barred from being used as a target when there is warfare.

Somehow our college educated police and fire and federal agencies are unable to extrapolate a connection here and don’t see why they can’t strike the real Christ here in Los Angeles.



You can find Me at YouTube @sovrumano6395 or Twitter at @01ChristAryan

Another humdinger?!

Yesterday, I was thinking that there could be a CAUSAL relationship with the decline of the Church’s integrity and the increase in slavery worldwide.

Correct Me if I’m wrong but didn’t the Church play the principle role in the freeing of men and women from the drugery of slavery and exploitation to the point of death by Satan-worshippers?

I don’t think taking prayer out of schools will invoke the devil but I do think there is something to be said about this schizm created by these–these…fucking eh..Am I going to get kicked off of Twitter if I curse at these people on My own platform? Eh…better not chance it….these fucking witches and vampires from Africa–whereby there is now a dividing line and fulcrum dividing law-abiding folk from the lawless and the pitting of them against each other.

If the weighting is that exacting without a lot of give, then to remove 10 points from one side creates a commensurate amount of incline in the opposite side. Well, I Am inclined to think that the infiltration and desecration of the Church by these vulgar people seems to be increasing the possibility of the return of slavery for us all.


Don’t let that black man get away!

This guy’s betrayal of the country and the Church and his attempt to get the Messiah himself in the flesh trapped for the Sheriff’s pleasure and exploitation of His business AFTER THE TREMENDOUS EFFORT EXPENDED TO GET HIM FREE AS WELL AS HIS CONSISTENT AND ONGOING COSTS TO US is a flaming Scarlett Letter around his neck.


Welcome Home, Gamers!!

Where to find Me?@01ChristAryan on Twitter.

@sovrumano6395 on YouTube

For longer form posts, mind streams not fit for publication yet, and persona issues:

for longer form posts of a personal nature. I did this to keep the business account professional and free of personal drama as much as possible.

is for monthly subscriptions and one-time Thank-you’s.

All tokens of appreciation and patrons are appreciated and you should find really great value here for your time and money. The DS alone is worth more than the $5 per month. But videos and articles are posted as well as social media accounts. Ask anyone what they think about following Me the first 3 years of Sov and they will say “It blew My mind.”

Also I Am asking all churches, foundations, colleges, synagogues, etc., to participate in the monthly subscription.

This will help with expenses and keeping the site online fo 7B people worldwide and more on the way!

Alright, folks–the latest installment of “Traffic ME?!” is up, Part 4.

Also ground is broken on “A Critical Review of the Sociology and Politic that is White Supremacy”. This will be the first book ever written under the Sovrumano label and I Am excited to work on it.

Additionally I Am studying what I can on civil and criminal law. I will probably have to represent Myself in court on several cases soon.

Still waiting to hear back from the Board of Supervisors and L.A. Police on the kidnapping of Myself on the 9th of this month. Also waiting to receive compensation for the personal items lost that I need (tent, dolly, etc.). This is more serious then they might realize as I was bitten recently by a tick which has swollen My right foot by 200%.

For up to the minute info go to @01Christ Aryan on Twitter.


Daily Strata6em for October 14th 2024

(Hey man, I wanted to thank you once again for hanging in there while I try to recover from the smartphone theft. That in addition to everything I have to do. Like getting groped on the genitals as I sit here working at the library. 

This shit is unreal. You wanted a police-state? The police, true to their nigger roots from which they hail, are vulgar and inclined to the vulgar. The only reason for the “police-state” is so that they can be this way with impunity which is what My case study is a an example of and a case study for people worldwide of what could be coming their way if they get their asses up and working. I Am infuriated with our Churches and pastors who don’t see a connect or feel an impetus to adjust. Same ‘ol sermon. 

That’s where I come in and why I Am here.)


Let’s Campaign for a Cause

So in the past I have taught you about campaigns. And that there were different types of campaigns. Some are legit and some are not. Examples are…

Proper. Shake hands and kiss babies!

Whisper. Start rumor about your opposition but leave yourself out as the source.

Criminal. Let the air out of your competition’s tires!

Underground. The graphitti on the walls are for your cause!

Revolutionary. You are crowd-surfing your way into office!

But there is a new phenomena around and one I’ve surmised as illegal and operational and not available to the average Joe. I call it Assymetrical Campaigning.

This phenomena caught My undivided attention long ago before I spent any time meditating on it and noticed that the Fire department (and others) were dissuading or intimidating others from visiting, patronizing, donating, socializing, etc. with Sovrumano.

Now I had spent a lot of money on ads. And they, who had spent nothing, were destroying My efforts. The blacks were gleefully behind them on this and eager to tear something up like the a bunch of rebellious teenagers.

Rebellious teenagers don’t realize that companies spend so much on ads, get so many prospects, and of those get so many sales. Everything has a cost. To not allow the competition to run ads is Assymetrical Campaigning.



Sovrumano Support!

Sovrumano needs your support! as you may know I am illegally detained in Los Angeles now and this is “meant to be”.

Before you think, If he was Christ He wouldn’t be trapped on the sidewalk now would he?, you should know that this is the most powerful place I can be because it is from here I can prove the USA defunct–from it’s police to the FBI to the White House–it is impossible to traffic human beings or have psychotropics distributed in a stacked way. Meaning some people  get more than others. To be able to walk through walls, surveillance, touching or contact, assault, collude–renders the constitution invalid and executives corrupt.

I work tirelessly for us all. I work tirelessly for the noble societies who wanted to avoid this very tragedy the degradation of society to accommodate the q-anon wacko-jacko’s and pedophile island miscreant supremacists Jason stillBourne to rule the world kind of…people. With nose jobs. And hair plugs.

anyway! as I am not able to work and cannot see my numbers on social media accounts for ad revenue or partnerships, that leaves you, the churches and other secular societies who value the true aryan brotherhood and it’s values to jump in their and assist. it takes no effort per person and if each church donated $5 per month through the Paypal we would have our safety and security for the needs of hundreds of billions of people who have come and gone and are yet to arrive.


Merchandise (Coming Soon!)


I took the liberty of demarcating My videos with a rating system and if the video has stars on the album cover it’s probably one of the better videos either for production or Intel. Or at least I think so.


“Spiritual Warfare”

Are you ready? Are you wearing the breastplate of faith or courage as the Apostle Paul said?

No, you are not. You are not ready for anything whatsoever.

Still the subject is breached here and this is a casual videocast more like a Saturday afternoon with the kids kind of thing versus Monday morning at 8 a.m. in the sales meeting.

You’ll learn about the warfare, what the Bible is for (this is updated with yet another perspective in “Traffic ME?!”) and many other things. An accompanying post was on the old site which was a helpful outline of points as well as thoughts to consider. The old site may be reposted eventually or another accompanying article.

This is just a little brew-ha ha celebrating Sovrumano’s 3rd anniversary!

Hey man, I get a little teary-eyed making it from year to year. It’s tough. I don’t cry in front of others. I don’t cry period. Actually I can’t remember the last time I cried. I’m not big on crying but once read in a men’s magazine that the average man cries 2.3 times per month but in private, usually. I think that’s high but I don’t have a mortgage or kids upstairs playing Nintendo either.

Anyway, I usually planned to make a little vid every year just to look at what we’ve traversed over the last 12 months. Sometimes it’s really grand or impressive. There’s been some legitimate breakthroughs that happened here on this platform and those are nice, unexpected bonuses for us in addition to the regular study material.

Also for those blocked from saying Hello or distraught that The Second Coming has happened, it’s a way of saying, Hey! We are still here! We made it through another year! We’ve made some progress.

“The purose of the Bible is to inspire a race war. The purpose of the Bible is to inspire a white supremacy and a jihad (unholy war) upon other tribes of people.”


 Unless otherwise noted all publishings on this site are Copyright 2024 Sovrumano All Rights Reserved.

Sovrumano nor Christ Titus Anderson have any partners, co-authors, or co-owners unless a particular post states otherwise in the event of a co-authorship.

All podcasts, videocasts, articles, and public speaking engagements are the sole production and property of Christ Titus Anderson and Sovrumano. In no way whatsoever Am I am agent or employee of the United States of America although I Am a national security person and the head of the Church.

It doesn’t take a rocket-scientist to figure out that if Christ were here in the flesh He couldn’t not be a national security person as the head of the world’s largest philanthropic organizations and teaching facilities. Therefore respect by police, federal agents the public–and especially those who receive charity from us–is necessary to have a successful visit by Christ and the changes that people worldwide have prayed for as well as “investing” thousands of trillions of dollars worldwide over the last 600 years or so. Let’s remember that 95% of the world’s population lives outside of the USA and any notion that Christ is “owned” by blue-collar white men at the Sheriff’s to be just another one of their delusions right along with their desirability in society that they terrorize and brainwash others to maintain.


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